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Since Bebe didn't live in Texas she had to leave the next morning and she said I'd be able to come with her to NY.

When I found out that out I immediately crashed as always and that's when I laughed and blushed.

Kat: Really?!

Bukie: yes honey we are able to take you

Bebe: yeah, I've seen your dms and you definitely are a true rexhar

Kat: Wow! This feels like a dream, you don't understand how much you've helped me, Bebe, you truly are an inspiration to a lot of people.

And then Bebe hugged me, that's when I felt a rush of love coming my way and it was a feeling I had never gotten but it was one of the best feelings in the world...

Once Bebe and her crew were headed over to the place that they were staying she gave me her phone number and told me to pack because we were leaving tomorrow morning so my dad had picked me up because I had to get my things for the airport packed, my parent knew that I was leaving with Bebe and her crew so when I got home I started packing...

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