Witching magic

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 Plz i need ideas!!


Your P.O.V

I wake up, my head hurting. I remember allura hitting  me over the head. I-i'm Going to kick her a*s, i swear to god! I get up my head hurting worse. That when I see keith in the corner, sleeping i want to hug him but all of a sudden my head blares hot of i fall to my knees. "D-damn witch." I mumble quietly and  i try to stand but fall right back down. "Shit.." i mudder. It feels good to cuss so i do it again. "Shit." I say then "SHIT!" I yell. That wakes keith up. He is at my side in seconds. "Y/n, you okay?" He asks urgently. "F-fine." I whisper my head pounding.  "Are you sure?" He asks concerned which makes me mad. "I'M FINE!" I shout and look up to see the hurt look on his face.

"W-wait, k-keith i'm S-sorry.." i studder. 

'N-no it's fine, i-i'll Be outside..ya' know if you need me?" He asks.

He walks out making it clear he wants me to call him back..but, i- i can't. After a while i walk out hungry. He's not there. He properly gave up and left. I go eat but then shiro walks in. He immediately backs up but it's to late i've Already see him. The pain hits me in the head and before i know it i'm yelling at him and throwing insults left and right. I honestly don't care, i'm Just saying what i've Thought about out loud, very loudly, at his face... " You idiot! Or should i say it in your language? BAKA!" Then he hits me. Slaps me. The next thing i know i'm Being pulled away from him and he's all bloody and beaten, yelling "You bitch! I'll fucking kill you!" He's clawing to get out of hunks grasp but he's not going to, hunk is super tough. Keith gets in front of me, so that i can't see Shiro and i stop fighting to get out of pidge and Matt's grasps. "K-keith?" I ask confused. "Why is shiro all beaten up?" He looks.. scared of me for just a second before he's picking me up and carrying me of to his room. Once he's layed me down on the bed I realize I don't have much energy. "You belong to me now, understand?" He says after climbing on top of me. I'm confuzzled. "W-wha?" I get out before i'm grabbed by my neck. "You. Are. Mine.  MINE! Forever!" He says sounding psychotic at the end. Then he kisses me ever forcefully.....


Writer block hit i'm Sorry. I got busy. But next chapter should be out in two days..

It's been cliffhanged.

Author out! 😉 

yandere keith x reader x yandere-ish shiroWhere stories live. Discover now