Part 5

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I pulled quite hard on my wrists several times, and after another couple of movements, my wrists were freed. I rubbed them while standing up from the ground. Directly after that, I ran to the kitchen. I looked into the second drawer and found what I was looking for: my spare car keys. Yes, Ashton took my car keys, but he forgot to take my spare ones. Dumb move of him. I grabbed my keys and ran to the front door. Less than three minutes later I stood outside the building and hopped into my car.

I sighed of relief. I made it to my car without Ashton seeing me. I rode out of the parking spot and decided to drive somewhere busy, so I wouldn't catch any attention. My car was black, pretty basic shape so yeah... On my way to the centre of Hornsby, I saw the police-station. No, I wasn't going to report Ashton, but I did saw something else. I saw a licence plate I recognized. Then I remembered whose it was. It was Ashton's! My eyes grew even bigger when I saw Ashton coming out of the police station. What was Ashton doing there?! I saw Ashton getting into his car, so I didn't hesitate to quickly drive away. I had to get home before Ashton found out I was gone!

When I left the apartment a little less than an hour or so, I wasn't planning on running away from Ashton and to start a whole new life. No, I was just going for a quick ride, ya know? I just needed to get out, get some air without having Ashton noticing it. As fast as I could, I drove to the building where I and Ashton lived. I quickly found a place to park my car. I took a quick look around me. No sign of Ashton. Good. I ran as fast as I could to the apartment. I opened the door with my keys, then I threw the keys on the little table in the small hallway. I walked into the living room, only to be scared to death. My breath got stuck in my throat.

'A-A-Ashton.' I stuttered, taking a step back. He looked at me. I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. he didn't seem furious or angry...? I wanted to take another step back, but he took two big steps and already stood in front of me and grabbed my wrists. 'I'm so sorry Luke. I-I should've-' he started, but I interrupted him.

'What were you doing at the police station?' I asked. I wanted answers. Needed answers. Seeing his reaction, he looked shocked by what I said.

'How-How'd you know-' 'Tell me.' I demanded him. 'I've been working with the police. Today was my last day because tomorrow they'll take the whole gang down in the warehouse. I told them which warehouse and what time everyone will b3 there. I used to be part of that gang...' Ashton explained to me. 'I'm done with it now. It's over. I'll go find a real job and get a good life.' he told me. I saw he was being honest with me.

'I'm so sorry Luke. But I couldn't have you find out. I-I didn't I couldn't find the good time to tell you, 'cause I thought you'd hate me. So I wanted to wait until after today. After I was done. But then, you found out about the robbery. I just panicked. I'm so sorry Luke. I was also scared you'd tell someone about me and that could get me in trouble. I'm so so sorry!' he rambled, almost begging for forgiveness. I knew I was going to forgive him eventually... then Ashton took a deep breath.

'I only have one question. Why'd you came back?' he asked me. I looked down. 'I-I just needed to get away for a short while, but I wasn't planning on running away from you. Just for that moment.' I explained to him in a very quiet voice. He nodded in understatement. After that, I pressed my body to his and hugged him with a strong grip around him. 'I love you, Ashton. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did.' I whisper while pressing me to him. 'luke, you had all the right reasons to react like that. I'm sorry. I'll never leave you and I'll tell you everything from now on. I promise.' he rambled again. I smiled a little. 'You don't have to tell me everything, I trust you.' I told him. He nodded. 'I'll get a real job, I promise.' he said and I nodded.

'I love you, Ashton.'

'I love you too, Luke.'

Committed The Robbery // Lashton Hemwin AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now