Soulmates-destined to be together shot 2

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Hi  guys I am back again....

So let's start we see sanskar jumped with happiness while Swara who got conscious now was shocked seeing him...

Swa- sanskar what kind of husband are you here your wife is ill and you are jumping around happily...

San-Swara jaan we are going to be parents...

Swara also got happy in all this we see that the Maheswari family is not at all happy...they all leave from there silently...

Raglak room

Rag- no this can't happen...Swara can't be pregnant before I will kill this child...

Lak- how dare that sanskar touch my Swara....only I have that right...

Parish room

Pari- adarsh this Swara got what should we do...

Ada- according to dada Ji 's will eldest grandchild would get more shares in the company..we have to kill that child...we have to do something...

Dp ap room

Dp- arnapoorna Swara got pregnant now what should we  you remember the will right and already that sanskar has wasted a lot of time and money and now he is going to have a Baby that too the first heir of Maheswaris...

Ap- simple we will kill that baby...before even it takes birth what do you think I will  not let that sanskar take the money and my sons come on never I won't let that happen...

Ramta room

Ram- sujata I don't understand that how is this Swara pregnant swasan don't have a husband wife relation in between them right...

Suj- listen I am telling you this child is not of my sanskars their is something unusual I am telling you this girl has a affair some where and this child is of the person she has affair with and sanskar is being blackmailed or something like this....

Ram- what should we do?????

Suj- simple we will kill that baby. . . . . . . But we have to be careful not to let them know...

All these people come out of their room and they were talking about killing swasan baby

Suj- jiji I am telling you this child is not my sanskars...

All together- we have to kill that child...

From behind a voice came- oh is it you all have that much dare to kill sanskar Maheswaris baby

They all turn around and saw sanskar standing there with Swara....

Suj- sanskar I am telling you this child is not yours...listen to me this child is illegi...

San- shut up i am not saying anything that doesn't mean you will speak nonsense...guards...

And suddenly 10 to 15 body guards entered and surrounded ap dp lak rag suj ram ada Pari.

Lak- what the hell is this??

San- shut up and don't you dare speak in middle I hate it when people interrupt me...

All nodded their head and kept quite...

San- han so I was telling that Mr dp Maheswari because of loss in business you took a loan from SM...

Dp- yes I took a loan of 200 what you want to say????

San- 200 crore is equal to your total property...

Dp- yes but why are you asking this???

San- i am asking because SM wants his money back....

Dp- how do you know????


Swa- and I am SSM the best lawyer in india...what do you think that we were falling in your trap no it was you who fell badly and very badly in our trap...

San- after I left this house i started a business and became the best businessman in india but then also I was not satisfied I wanted to do something extraordinary so I started a gang...yes you heard it right a gang you might have heard of it Black tigers...ya that's my gang...I am the gang leader after that sanskar was satisfied but the gang leader inside me was not satisfied he was still angry about his friend kavitha 's death yup my friend the girl whom I always loved was my Swara....5 years before also and now also...I love only her....

Swa- after all this we decided to take revenge that's why we arranged a fake dida and a fake ma...and coincidentally I became the half sister of this obsessed fool( ragini) we were happy that everything turn out the way we wanted and we were all set for revenge and the revenge was death of each and every person who had mercilessly killed our sister like friend kavitha so we did all this drama till date to kill you all today and when we came downstairs we heard some different kind of planning going on here.....

San- so be ready to die....

All fell on swasan' s feet and no started asking forgiveness from them..

San- you want life...then I leaving you all but remember one thing that this Maheswari empire is going to be auctioned you have to start from a scratch all over again...

Saying this swasan left from there...

The next day Maheswaris were thrown out of the house and everything was auctioned...

2 months later...

A small one room house is that house we see ragini and parineeta struggling for doing the house chores and adarsh and laksh who came from outside after work...

Adarsh was doing the job of a supervisor in a factory while laksh was still jobless...

Meanwhile dp and ram are seen as some shopkeepers...they have opened some kind of shop and ap sujata were helping them....

Leaving this trash behind we go searching for our swasan here we see our swasan happily enjoying their life in the mansion and waiting for their small prince or princess to come in  this world and make it more beautiful....

7 months later we see that swasan are holding a cute  little princess in their arms and the little girl was happily gazing at both of them...


And the screen freezes there...

Hey guys here ends Soulmates-destined to be together and the next one will be THIS TIME LOVE will be based on swasan laksh goes missing you all soon until then bye bye......

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