Chapter 2

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The pic😂

Next day ~


Y/n woke up at 7:30, to go to an abandoned workshop earlier. Performing her usual morning routine, Y/n collected the most necessary things. These were: extra clothes, food, telephone, headphones (who knows when they might need them?) and extra shoes in her backpack.

She prepared herself as always F/f and brewed hot coffee. At 9:00, she left the house, locked the door and got into her F/c car. The road was far away, so Y/n decided to go to her favorite diner and take the F/f/2 and F/d/2.

Having paid, and finally leaving the diner.



Two hours later, I arrived at an abandoned studio. Having gathered all my strength and DETERMINATION, I opened the door with a creak. As soon as I entered the door, the door slammed shut behind me. Chills ran down my skin.

"So, Joey, what did you want to show me?"

I asked myself. The whole studio inside was only one color. Brown. Well, there was a little white. Everywhere there were ink stains on the letter.

"Again ink stains? What are they doing he-!" I almost fell into a hole in the floor.
Why is she there at all?

Stepping through the hole, I entered the room. Again there was ink and cobwebs. Going further it became even more creepy. Bendy's cutouts were everywhere. Bendy is a character I helped animate in this studio. Of course, when this cartoon was popular, it was not too much creepy. But the fact that I am now in an abandoned, covered with cobwebs and ink, with rotten boards that can fall at any moment (this proves a hole in the floor at the entrance) and creepy cutouts of a Dancing Demon everywhere, scares me very much. And the door slammed too.

"Okay. Stop complaining. Maybe I need to research the studio? Find what Joey wanted to show me. Or himself."

Having surveyed the first room I went to the next one. On the wall was written "Dreams come true." One more thing is added to my already huge list of creepy things in this building.


Y/n carefully watched the rooms for several hours. She did not find anything unusual except an operating (?) Ink-covered table (again with a creepy inscription on the wall 'Who's laughing now') and a boarded up room with an ink machine judging by the signs. After a detour of 2 circles, she was already desperate to look for an ax or any tool for destroying the boards blocking the entrance to the ink machine. Why doesn't she go further? Because all the doors are locked. In addition to the tool, she also searched for keys to closed doors. Nothing.


Rustle. She heard a fuss somewhere in the ink car. Running up to the entrance, he saw broken boards on the floor. The entrance was open. Strange. After all, besides her there is no one. And the boards were strong (despite the fact that this building is abandoned).

Maybe ... somebody know that she is here? And watching her? ...

534 words


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