Chapter 10: Behind the Storm

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"Our father would have hated you for sundering and splitting his family"

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"Our father would have hated you for sundering and splitting his family"

There it was...

The Gods were merciful with your heart bringing both of them alive. But none of them came back well.

Ubbe had a wound in his face that for sure would leave a scar for him to remember his mistakes and Hvitserk came to your room with so many stone marks in his back that you could say they ran all the way back to York under a stone rain from Saxon's army.

But you didn't say a single word when your eyes crossed with theirs. You didn't need to. Ubbe's disappointment and his frustration were stamped in his eyes when he looked at you and your words would have been the same that Ivar spat in his face...

"I told you so..."

He had risked his own life, Hvitserk's life. And not even this way he could admit how wrong he was. You were still tending Hvitserk's wounds when he came into your room with the bags for Hvitserk's things.

"We'll leave at the first hour tomorrow. This way we'll not face too many nights at the sea" he said, and tried to smile to Hvitserk like everything would be fine.

Your pretty puppy was so broken...

He just looked down, making the smile on Ubbe's face to vanish.

"Hvitserk?" he asked, fearing the worse.

And you just finished the wounds, covering Hvitserk's back and getting up.

"I'll pack your things" your voice echoed like a sword crossing Ubbe's chest.

...your things...

Not ours.

You would make Hvitserk's bags, not yours.

"You won't come with us..." Ubbe didn't ask.

He affirmed, causing Hvitserk to frown, annoyed and your eyes to glare at him, straight to his eyes.

"I have no reason to flee, Ubbe."

"We are not..." he started, but you stood up, once again looking into his eyes with your (y/c/e) orbs fierce and sharp.

"YOU are leaving because YOU don't want to face the truth, Ubbe. You failed. You were wrong. Ivar was right on every single word he said and you don't want to admit the truth: He is a good leader, he can lead this army and he will succeed. But worse than that... You're leaving because you want to prove your point. You're leaving because, somehow, you really believe that Ivar will fail without you and Hvitserk around and you want it to happen. You're cheering for it. And I can't be by Ivar's side after what he did to my brother, but I can't also tolerate your actions, Ubbe. You're cheering against your own brother because you're too afraid to admit that this family is broken! It was always broken since Ragnar has left!"

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