Chapter 3: The Lurking Wolf

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"So... what did you bring me?", Ubbe questioned, calling your attention to the fact he was curious about your present.

You smiled at him, reaching your bag again, to search for the little leather bag you bought for him.

"Well, Wolf, your gift will give me some more work than only open it.", you smirked, shaking the little bag on your hands, provoking a metallic noise that raised them both eyebrows.

"What did you bring him?"

Hvitserk was snooping, showing why you named him "Puppy" when you were younger: always curious, putting his nose on everything, sometimes - why not to say - in trouble, naturally.

But you always thought it was funny to him and you were right: it was the prelude of the man he became, inquisitive and interested in new discoveries and explorations.

It wasn't your intention to leave them waiting, so you opened the little bag, putting its content in the palm of your hand, showing them the small metal beads, decorated with some runes and protection symbols you had found with a goldsmith in one of the kingdoms you crossed coming back home.

"I had heard you already had long hair and the shield maidens used to talk about your beautiful braid, so I thought about these for you", you said, as Ubbe took one of the beads from your hand, looking at it with a little smile on his face. "They are made of white and dark gold, symbolizing the duality of our life. And they carry protection symbols and runes of our gods, to battle, to wisdom, to guidance and why not... To love.", you continued, smiling back at him when he closed his hand around the bead, pointing your face with his finger, smiling playfully at what you said.

"I want you to put it on for me. It seems my 'beautiful braid' will be remade.", he jokes, waiting for you to sit down properly on the bed so he can sit between your legs.

His back turned on you so you could fiddle with his hair.

Hvitserk smirked and almost laugh at something, making you believe Ubbe was saying or doing something to him you couldn't hear or see, but yet you started to undo his braid, slowly loosening all his long and red hair you used to think was so beautiful.

You slid your fingers slowly through his hair, in order to separate the strands, concentrated in what you were doing, but Ubbe broke your concentration with a small moan when you achieved the base of his neck.

"That's good. I still like your fingers this way", he mumbled, almost explaining the moan you had heard seconds before, but it didn't fade the sensation that his voice moaning that way had caused to your body.

You have already made his braids before when he was younger and his hair wasn't that long. And you remember he used to like when you caressed his head with your fingertips, softly. Sometimes he even fell asleep with your touches. But this time he wasn't getting sleepy.

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