Spike x Reader - Dead Girl Walking

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Note: This is set during Once More With Feeling, and is based off of the Heathers song Dead Girl Walking.

You sighed and crumpled into your chair, slamming your book shut. Why did everyone always have to be bloody singing? It was cute at first, but was now just getting on your last nerves. Giles was stuck, and none of your books were helping. You didn't see how this was ever going to get resolved.

Suddenly, you hear the strumming of a guitar and moan loudly.
"Fuck me, not again," you groan and bury your head in your pillow.
You were in no mood to sing, especially after embarrassing yourself in front of your whole English class when you started rapping about freakin' Shakespeare.

Pulled by the music, you storm out of your room, and head towards the cemetery, barely aware of your surroundings.
You curse yourself as you find your feet heading towards a certain crypt.
"Oh my god no, don't let me embarrass myself in front of him, he'll never let me live it down."

The guitar continues, and you find yourself bursting through the doors.
Spike sits up, looking confused. "Y/N, what are you doing in my room-uh, crypt?"

"Sorry but I really had to wake you,
See I decided I must ride you until I break you,
This demon says I got to go,
You're my last meal on death row,
Shut your mouth, and lose them tighty whities," You sing, cringing internally.

"What the shit Y/N?" You think to yourself. "What the hell is this?"

You fight against the strain of the song, but fail miserably. You find yourself pushing Spike up against the wall. Spike looks confused, then shrugs and goes along with it.
"Yeahhh, full steam ahead,
Take this Dead Girl Walking!"

After having been very quiet, Spike chimes in for the first time. "How'd you find my address?"

"Let's break the bed, rock this Dead Girl Walking!" Your hips start to grind against his and you just know you're going to regret this.
"No sleep tonight for you,
Better chug that Mountain Dew,
Get your ass in gear,
Make this whole town disappear!"

You push Spike back on his coffin and hoist yourself up so that you're sitting on top of him.
"Ok, ok," Spike sings playfully.

"Slap me, pull my hair,
Touch me there, there, there," You rip your shirt open, and Spike grins. "Shit,' you think. "He'll tell everyone about this tomorrow, I can feel it."

"No more talking,
Love this Dead Girl Walking!"
You grind your hips against his one more time before kissing him deeply, pulling his shirt off while you were at it.

The next morning

You wake up groggily, feeling strangely cold. Your eyes open slowly, and as they adjust you realise you are not in your bedroom.

Suddenly the memories come screaming back. You shriek and sit up, wrapping the blanket around your torso trying to cover as much as possible.

You hear a husky voice from next to you. "C'mon pet, it wasn't that bad was it?"

You groan. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god I slept with a vampire oh my god what is wrong with me?"

"Gee thanks, that's a confidence booster," Spike rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was just taken by surprise I guess," You relax your body a bit, and sink back down into the bed, exhausted from the lack of sleep. "So, uh, how much of last night do you remember?"

Spike grinned and started playing with your hair. "Pretty much all of it Love, you know I never knew you felt that way about me. If I did we could've been shagging long before now." He winked.

"Ewwww," you push off him and roll to the edge of the bed. "I guess I didn't know either, the singing demon thing must really have it in for me."

Spike feigned hurt. "Excuse me, are you saying I'm an embarrassment? Bloody hell you slayers are difficult women."

You roll your eyes, still clutching the duvet. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. It was actually a really nice night. There are worse ways to spend time."

You grin slightly as you lay down slowly, head on his chest. "You know it's funny that the song was about a Dead Girl Walking, when I'm the alive one in this relationship."

"Oh so this is a relationship now, is it?"

"Uhhhhhhh, I don't know? Do you want it to be?"

"To quote you, "there are worse ways to spend the time"," You can hear the smile in his voice.

Suddenly you hear movement outside.
"Oh my god, what was that?" You bolt upright.

The doors to Spike's crypt swing open and Buffy walks in. "Spike, is it ok if you patrol ton- Y/N?!"

"Shit," you mutter.

A/N - Thank you so much for reading my terrible work!! Please suggest things 😂 otherwise I'll never write anything.

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