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Edit: Hi there, it's been a few years and looking back, my writing is horrendous😂

I'd love to redo the story one day but for now you should definitely tap out xD

I do not own Harry Potter and the characters.
Credits went to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.

Vote and comment please!

On a peaceful and beautiful day, Ginny Weasley was watching the nice view through her window. Her feelings are hard to control right now, well after Fred death. George was still participating in his prank jokes, and suceed. Ginny miss his brothers, yeah, also include Ron. She do miss Harry alot, since he and Ron is in the Auror training.

Then Ginny thinking about Hermione, her best friend, and she also treat her as a sister. Ginny wish that she and the friends can come back to Hogwarts now. She miss all the happiness when she was with them.

"Ginny! Dinner is serve!" Molly called from downstairs.
Ginny rush down, and saw her mother smiling. Well, much more happy than normal. She wonder why.

"I have a suprise for you Gin!" Molly cheered, and give her a letter. With Hogwarts symbol on it.

Ginny smile.
She open it, and read it out.

Dear Ms. Weasley,
If you would want to join Hogwarts for the last school year that you've been miss, we would welcome you.

Enjoy your last school year with friends (include all the other houses), but you're still in need to learn.
More details when you're arrive.

Hope you can join us,
Minerva McGonagall

"It sounds wonderful!" Ginny grinned, a minute before she was just thinking about it.
Her mom stare at her, waiting for a respond.

"I would love to join Hogwarts mum!" Ginny said proudly.
"Of course dear, let's get some stuffs in the Diagon Alley soon." Molly said.

The Diagon Alley seem much better after the war, but not that crowded.
People must have a job now, Ginny thought. She lost in her mind again, but it was about how exciting she is when her friends is there. Back to real life, she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I was the one who knocked into..." Ginny muttered.
"No problem." The guy smirked.
"Zabini?" Ginny asked.
"Who can possibly remember me? Maybe you Red?" Blaise grinned.

Ginny cheeks burn immediately, and she try to hide it. When she get her confidence, she snap him,
"Stop calling me Red! Why not Weasel or blood-traitor!"

"I've change, and most Slytherins are." Blaise raised an eyebrow.
"Whatever." Ginny frowned.
Then she quickly walk inside a random store, leaving a big grin on Blaise face.

Ginny get so nervous and knock into someone again. She didn't apologize and yell,
"Go away from me, Zabin... Oh sorry 'Mione!"

"It's okay Gin, and what's wrong? Did you just called Zabini?" Hermione asked.

"Well I bumped into him like what I've did to you before, and he called me Red."Ginny blushed right after she finished the sentence.

"So he have change? Or did he just try to make fun of you?" Hermione responded.
"I don't really know, but I think he could have been change, and the others may." Ginny replied.

"Did you heard anything about Harry yet?" Hermione wondered.
"He's doing fine now, and he couldn't come back to Hogwarts, as well as Ron." Ginny shooked her head.

She heard Hermione sign and she look away, finding her eyes and Blaise were connect. He simply smile at her, and Ginny suprise, as she never think he will be able to smile.

She turned back and saw Hermione was glaring at her, reminded, "Control your feelings Gin."
"I...well...alright." Then she avoid Blaise right after.

Ginny and Hermione finish buying everything, and decided to have a private talk later in the train compartment.

After a few days, she recieve a letter from Ms. McGonagall, which says,

Students will be sorted into couples and will be having the same compartment and room (at least 4 people.)

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

"Well hope I will be with Hermione." Ginny smiled nervously.

They met on the train and each finding their mates. Hermione found her first, "Ferret."

Ginny laughed and quickly apologize to Hermione.
Then she walk into the compartment with her name on it, following another name, but she doesn't really care. She open the door, and freeze.

"Blaise Zabini." She curse him under her breath.
"How are you doing Red?" He asked.
"Not your bussiness." She avoid him.
"Whatever you say Red." Blaise smirked.

Ginny can feel her cheeks burn so she decided to just talk straight to him. As a good friend.
"So how was your summer Zabini?" Ginny tried to not blush.

Blaise, who was really suprise that Ginny replied him, and he told her everything he have done by the summer. Well mostly about trying to change.

Ginny can feel a bit of guilty that she have been avoiding him, and she have to admitted that he was a great listener. She told him about her pain that Fred died, and she splits out all. She can feel tears running down her cheeks, and Blaise react quickly,
"Sorry I didn't mean to force you telling every of your pain out."

"No it's fine, I just miss him." She sniffed.
Ginny take a nap right by the window, and Blaise smiled at her.

"How was it Ginny? Who did you get to be with?" Hermione asked excitedly.
"Zabini." Ginny answered tiredly.

"Does he threatened you or anything? Tell me Gin!" Hermione asked.
"You know I can hex him easily 'Mione. And he's not that bad though, I believe he have change." Ginny laughed. "How about you and ferret?"

"He was...silence after all. I think he just don't like coming back to Hogwarts after what he have been through. But he do say hi to me, as my last name." Hermione replied.

"So you two are having a little pressure, but it's surprisingly that he didn't call you by names." Ginny said.

"Well he might have change too." Hermione shared a hard smile.

"Not pretty much, but at least a little." Ginny nodded.

Guys I don't know if you want any Dramione actions because I was trying to focused on Blinny more.

Comment if you wanted to ship someone too and your idea might be choose!

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