Chapter 12 - Kidnap

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Chapter 12 – Kidnap

Everything is still silent in Daisy’s house, Niall is sitting on the floor with his hands covering his face. Louis is on the phone having a conversation with whoever is on the other end. Eleanor has arrived now and is trying to comfort Niall. Liam is trying to talk to Daisy’s mum and calm her down while Ashton is playing with Toby to distract him from it all. The silence is broken by something being pushed through the letter box………

It is the envelop Craig said on the phone would arrive. Louis is still on the phone. Liam walks over to the door and picks the envelop up and walks over to Niall and hands it to him. Niall looks up at Liam with a sad face as to say this is going to be some bad news. Louis hangs up the phone and walks over to Niall, Daisy’s mum comes over too and Ashton stays with Toby. They all surround Niall as he opens the envelop that says his girlfriends fate.


The letter in side of the envelop says………

If you wish to have Daisy back, you must follow these necessary demands:

You must bring £100 to the ally at the back of her house in a black bag and dump it there.

Do gangnam style on live TV

Walk in a public area wearing women’s clothes

buy me a private jet and send it to:

Brimley airport

Gate 7

KT16 5OP

Some one in a black jacket will be there to sign for it.

If you do not meet these demands I will keep Daisy forever and she will never see you or her family ever again.


Picture of original letter on the side >>>>


Niall drops the letter from his hand and crawls into a ball on the floor. Liam picks the letter up and reads it then passes it to everyone else. They all stand there in shock. Louis breaks the silence……………

“I was on the phone to Simon earlier and he said for everyone to come back to the studio so we can sort everything thing out that mean you Sue & Toby as we would hate for any thing to happen to you guys while we are not around.” Said Louis

Daisy’s mum Sue talks, “I can live with that as long as it means we are going to get my baby girl back.”

“Of course we will.” Said Louis

“Now there is a car waiting outside to take you and Toby to our studio where every thing is going to be sorted out. Ashton and Liam can you go with them while I talk to Niall please.” Said Louis

“Ok, come on Toby you can bring them with you.” Said Ashton

“Alright.” Said Liam

The two of them get up and lead Toby & Sue out of the house.

Louis walks up to Niall and sits down beside him and talks:

“Niall it’s going to be okay we will get through this no matter what. So brave face on and let’s go to the studio.” Said Louis

Niall lifts his head up.

“I can’t do this, I only just found her now I have lost her to someone I don’t even know. How can this happen? I just can’t face the fact that she is gone. Also those demands don’t help as the person doesn’t sound trustworthy at all.” said Niall

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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