Chapter 9 - At Eleanor's house/ 2nd date?

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A/N In this chapter there are quite a few surprises in store as the 2 new characters added to the story. I wont tell you who they are but you will just ahev to find out. Also sadly there are no pictures in this chapter you will just have to imagine it sadly. Enjoy this chapter!! hanny16 xx












Eleanor, Perrie and Daisy arrive at Eleanor's house.

At Eleanor's house......................

All three of them walk into the house, side by side carring a lot of shopping bags between them selves.

They drop the bags on the floor and Eleanor texts Louis.

Eleanor: Hey Lou, Perrie and Daisy are at my place as me and Perrie want to give Daisy a makeover before her date with Niall later. Plese keep it a secret from Niall we want it to be a suprise for him okay, see you later love you xx

Louis: That's fine Eleanor, I will make sure Niall has no idea about this but can I tell Zayn, Liam and Harry? Or does it have to be just me that knows? love you too X

Eleanor: Thanks! I think it would be best if you just kept it to yourself, okay bye xx

Eleanor puts her phone down on table.

They all sit down on the sofa and discuss what to do next e.g. Makeup, Hair or clothes.

 Perrie picks up the bags from the floor and starts emptying them out on the floor and sorting out different outfits for Daisy to try on.

So they begin..................

Outfit 1

They find a nice purple floral dress with some brown high heels and a white wooly jumper.

Daisy tries it on.

Next outfit.............

Outfit 2

A pair of black leggings with a blue shirt and a colourful scarf. The shoes are brown long boots. Also a white cardigan too. She tries the on.

Moving on.............

Outfit 3

On to the third outfit, a pale check shirt with some nice denim shorts with a brown belt and some sandle shoes.

That outfit is tried on.

Another outfit............

Outfit 4

This one is a white jumper shirt with a denim jacket over top and brown jean trousers. The shoes are brown lased boots.

Daisy puts that outfit on.

So those are the outfits that Perrie and Eleanor chose for Daisty to wear on her date with Niall. i wonder what one has been chosen out of the four.

Conversation begins.............

"So, Daisy what outfit do you like?" said Elenaor

"I don't have a clue! It's a cross between the first and second outfit." said Daisy

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