Chapter 6 - The Concert

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Daisy's POV

So mum's agreed for me to go to the concert. I'm really excited now. I best go and find an outfit and text Niall.

End of Diasy's POV

Text conversation

Dasiy: Hey Niall, I'm allowed to go to the concert. Is there any details I need?

Niall: Awesome and yeah. Be ready for 2:30. Dress casual but have some spare clothes too.

Daisy: Ok, sounds good. See you later x

Niall: Bye! 

End of text conversation

At One Direction's Apartment.............

Conversation between the boy's begin as Niall has returned from dropping Daisy off.

"So Niall, whats happening between you & Daisy?" said Louis

"We are just friends at the moment but I'm hoping to change that." said Niall

"Ooh, how are you gonna do that? Huh!" said Louis 

"Well, she is coming to the concert tonight. I was hoping that you guys could help me concoct a plan to do it. R you in?" said Niall

"I'm in!" said Louis

"I will do it for my best mate!" said Liam

"I'm in" said Zayn

"That only leaves you Harry are you in?" said Niall

"Are you sure about this?" said Harry

"Yeah I am" said Niall

"Ok, I'm in" said Harry

"Awesome, let's get started!" said Niall.

The plan begins.........

The plan: (For Niall to ask out Daisy at the concert)


- To be serenaded again

- To follow clues/rose petals to a room where Niall has set up a romantic scene for them to enjoy and he asks her the question (will you go out with me?)

- They get left alone in a room huddled on a couch and plucks up the courage to ask her out.

Niall picks Daisy up from her house and they head to the concert.

Everyone is in the limo (Niall&Daisy, Louis&Eleanor, Zayn&Perrie and Liam as his is no longer with Danielle).

The limo is silent.

At the concert........

They arrive at the concert venue.

Daisy is unaware that this is just a rehearsal and not the real concert which is in an hours time.

They all get out of the limo.

One by one.

They head into the venue with Daisy still unaware of what is going on!!

The boy's and Daisy, Eleanor & Perrie walk to the boy's dressing room.

Eleanor and Daisy's conversation with a bit of Perrie begins

"Hey, I'm Eleanor and you must be Daisy the boy's have been talking about." said Eleanor

"Yes. I am Daisy." said Daisy

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