Yang x Reader

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"YYYAAANNNGGG CAN YOU GET THE DOOR!" the littlest sister of the Xiao Long family yelled from the couch while she continued to play her game.

"Ugh you're such a lazy bum sometimes." The blonde haired girl spoke also known as Yang spoke back as she went towards the door mumbling inaudible words. Once she got to her destination she peaked through the door to see (Y/n) standing there while the snow slowly fell from the dark sky above.

"Hey Yang." The girl spoke a small puff of air could be seen as she stood there holding onto her bags tightly.

"Oh my Oum its you, here come in come in." Yang placed a hand on (Y/n)s back pushing her inside the more comfy cabin that laid near the edge of Patch.

"Who is it?" Ruby's voice was heard behind the couch as she didn't peel her eyes off the screen.

"Its (Y/n)!" This caused the silver eyed girl to pause her game and run towards her (h/n) haired lady. "(Y/N)!" She tackled her down onto Yang who also wrapped her arms around giving her well-known bear hugs.

(Y/n) pov:

"It's good to see you guys again." I tried to wrap my arms around one of them but being sandwich made it a lot more difficult. They soon let go Yang gave me a hand to set me on my feet.

"So what brings you here I thought that the competition doesn't end till the next day.?" Yang walked over to the kitchen turning on the kettle.

"Long story short it was canceled due to the weather and the airships back won't go back to Heaven till sometime that I don't know. But I just came here to see if I can crash here for a bit maybe go to your school I mean Heaven's great and all but I wanted to know how its like at Beacon." I poked my pointer finger together as I looked at the floor taking a glance up to see her smirking.

"Aww sure ya can we go back thresh tomorrow and am sure Ozpin will let hopefully me give you a tour." She gave off a little wink before the sounds of the kettle blared throughout the rooms. Yang rushed over to the stove pouring the hot water into three cups.

"We only have hot coco so hope you like it."


The three of us sat down at the table in front of the tv letting a random movie go on. I leaned against Yang's lap while Yang sat at the corner looking at the tv having a hand on my head and Ruby sat behind the table staring at the tv. The hot coco was finished long ago and the movie was getting too lovey-dovey for my liking. Blankly staring at the tv I didn't feel the constant poking on my neck. Looking up at Yang she smiled again.

"So 'quick' question, do you still draw or is it now a lost hobbie." I blinked a eww times staring at her purple eyes before opening my mouth.

"Ya but I haven't done it in a while s maybe a few days a least."

"Can I see?"


"Can I see you draw I only seen your finished artwork from before so can you draw for me." Sitting up from Yangs lap I looked at her then at the space next to her.

" Sure, but do you have any good materials?"

"We could go to the school and get some I mean hopefully peach will allow you."

"It's a deal."

~Timeskip to the school~

Yang's pov:

Fem RWBY x Reader Yuri OneshotМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя