7) I've missed you.

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It's been 2 weeks since I last spoke to my father. He's sent me messages.. threats.. but who cares. He's not the father I remember. I left Derek's that one night and we haven't spoken since. He's distanced himself from me

I don't understand why.. but I wont bother. I cant fall for him, so maybe this is a good thing.

Paige has been letting me spend the night at her house, thankfully.

Schools been going pretty well. This year it's honestly been easy, which I wasn't expecting. Mr. Halten has been looking out for me to see if I have any scares on my face.. and Mrs. Rausen figured out Derek and I aren't good as partners, so she switched us..

I miss him. I think.

Brody and I are on good terms. I saw him last weekend and spent the night. He's family.

---Friday Night---


"Hey Becca. Party tonight! I'm going out. It's at Rocco's house, you should come! You've been stuck at mine and Brody's house, it'll be fun!"
"Hey... I don't know if I'm up for it. I've been feeling a little under the weather, rain check?"
"Ugh. Please!!! I miss my fun Becca.."
"I don't know.. if I'm there, I'm there. Xoxo"
"Fine. Kisses!"
Party... at Rocco's.. hm. I wonder if Brody will be there..

Maybe I should go. I haven't gone out a lot lately.. and I KNOW he will have alcohol so I can get wasted as fuck.. yes. Fuck it. I'm going.

I went to  shower to wash up, then started to do my makeup. I put on winged eyeliner, mascara, red lipstick, highlights, and put up my hair in a pony tail.

For my outfit, I decided to wear black heels and a tight, short, red dress. I put on diamond earrings and looked at myself in the mirror.

...damn. I was looking hot..

I chuckled to myself and grabbed my keys. I guess it's time to have some fun.

---Rocco's house---

I checked my phone to see the time.. 9:00.


As I walked out of my Honda, I saw so many cars, and the music was so loud I could hear it from outside. I never knew Rocco had such a nice house.

As soon as I reached the door, I started to have se on thoughts. No. Fuck Becca go have fun. Forget about him.

I walked in to see so many familiar faces, and then I saw Brody. Thank god.

"Becca! Woah.. you look.. stunning"
"Thanks" I gave him a kiss on the cheek for fun
"I didn't know you were coming? Paige looks doubtful."
"Yea, where is Paige?"
"Probably hooking up with Rocco somewhere. I'll go look. Get yourself a drink!!"
He walked away and I realized I've never gotten a good look at him. He has pretty nice abs, and some nice ass hair. Damn.

Ah, the  beverages were all on the table. I went with some hard lemonade. I chugged that right down and went for another bottle. Everyone was dancing to the extremely loud music, and people started making out.

I decided to go dance myself.

I moved my hips left and right and just started dancing. The music was so loud, and the alcohol was burning right through me. Fuck.

It's him.

Why is he here?


"Derek.. hi."
"You look... hot"
I chuckled at his comment and smirked
"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself"
I looked him up and down.. woah. He looked fuckijg great. I missed his scent.. and his body.. his fucking smile... all those amazing features. God damn
"Dance with me?"
He looked at me in confusion.. but then walked up to me and we started dancing.. my hips swayed as he held onto my waist. I missed him.

He spun me around and I looked into his eyes.

He has such beautiful eyes

He pulled me into a kiss. I know this shouldn't feel good.. but fuck.. it does.

We made out, and I didn't give a fuck if people were staring. I pulled away, looked at him, and bit my lip.

He picked me up out of no where and took me upstairs.
I was drunk.. not too drunk though, thank god. I want to remember his face, and his lips. Fuck.

He opened a door and laid me down on a bed. He locked the door and went over to me.

He bent down and whispered in my ear,
"I've missed you baby girl"
My heart was filled with lust and passion for this guy. I missed him too. Before I could respond, he threw off his shirt and started kissing me.. too my jawline.. to my neck.. fuck. He sucked on my neck so fucking good, I let out a little moan causing him to chuckle.
"Fuck.. Halten.."

He pulled away, and walked out.

What a fucking tease.

I followed him downstairs... or at least I thought I did? Damn, I'm too drunk.

Next thing I know I'm on the couch laying down.. at Derek's house?
"Ughh. My head"
"Hey. You're awake"
"W-what? What am I doing here?"
"You were pretty wasted, So I brought you here."
"I don't.. I don't remember that much"
"I'm not expecting you too" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me
I pulled away and stood up.
"You have to stop doing this Derek. One minute.. you're all over me.. the next, you're ignoring me.. my calls.. my texts.. what the hell? You're confusing me, and I don't like it."

He looked at me with this innocent face and laughed.
"I'm sorry. Come sit down."

I was too mad, so I just sat on the floor
"Becca,what the fuck are you dong?"
He looked at me and chuckled. He little chuckle was so cute. Fuck.
"I'm mad at you. Talk to me from here"
"I'm sorry Mami. Forgive me?"
"Hmph. I guess."

I got up and gave him a kiss, he pulled away and looked at me
"God.. you're fucking sexy"
I looked at myself to see I'm wearing boy shorts and a shirt that wasn't mine. Oh, he changed me.. okay
"Hmm. I wonder how I got these clothes on?"
"Me too Baby girl. Hey, spend the week at my house? I've missed you.. and I wont let go of you this time."
I looked at him and he made a sad puppy dog face. Damn.
"I guessss. But I have to go get my stuff from Paige's."
"I got you. I'll go get it. See you when I get back?"
"Of course Halten"
He gave me a kiss goodbye then walked out.

I went upstairs to his room and laid in his bed. This guy makes me so damn happy.

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