5) "Mami"

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I woke up to big, muscular, arms around me. Then, I remembered. Me and Derek Halten made out last night. He's sleeping right next to me. His fucking arms are around me.

God damn, he smells good.

I quietly try and get my phone without waking him.
Damn, it's 7:00 am. Why am I up so early. I try getting out of bed, when I feel his arms pull me back.
"Where you going?"
"Goodmorning to you too Halten. I was going to make breakfast."
"At Brodys house?"
"Yes" I chuckled
"What time is it?"
"Seven" I replied
"it's so early, but whatever you say mami"
Did Derek fucking Halten just call me M-A-M-I.

Stop freaking out Rebecca. He's just a horny teenager. He's no different then the rest. Or is he?

He let's go of me and I bend over to get my clothes. I could feel his eyes following me, tracing my body. I look threw my bag and put on a short gray crop top on with some red pyjama pants.  I put my hair up in a pony tail and make my way out of the room
I turned around and saw him up and out of bed
"Let me cook with you. I'm actually pretty good"
I took a good look at his beautiful eyes, and his nice jawline. Fuck Halten. What are you doing to me?
"Okay, meet me in the kitchen"
I smirked and ran out of the room downstairs.
Woah. Maybe Derek isn't that bad. He's so fuxking sexy too.
"Oh! Brody. You're awake. I was just about to make breakfast"
"Of course, I'm an early bird. Everyone else is asleep though."
"Well. What should I make?"
"Whatever you want. I'm going to shower."

He hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek. Brody is such a sweetheart.
I got the ingredients to make eggs and pancakes and turned the stove on, when I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist.
"Well hello there Halten"
"I just can't keep my eyes and hands off of you.
God damn Becca.. so what are we making?"
I feel his hot breath on my neck, which makes me stutter my words a bit.
"J-just pancakes a-and eggs"
"Alright. Well this kitchen is pretty big, since they have two stoves. I'll work on the pancakes, you make the eggs."

He smiles and my whole heart lifts. Did I say that HE STILL HAS NO SHIRT ON. FUCK. Halten god. I notice his multiple tattoos and it makes me go crazy. he only has 4, but they make him even sexier. I couldn't contain myself, so I asked.
"Yes Mami?"
Ouuu Mami. Call me that again. ;)

"Um, what is that date on your neck for?"
He stopped, and his face became cold. He tensed up a bit, but then he said,
"My mothers passing."
I saw hurt in his eyes, and immediately regretted asking..

I walked over to him and hugged him. His body was so rough, and I was right. He IS a closed book. I don't even know that much about him!

"I'm sorry Derek. my mother passed away too.. two years ago. She died in a car accident."
He looked at me with hurt eyes, and he apologised.

We then got back too cooking, except this time, in silence. 

---20 minutes later---


I screamed giggling. I heard so many footsteps coming down the stairs. Everyone was so shocked to see Derek and I.. together.

"What's for breakfast? I'm hungry, wish I could've had a snack beforehand" Zack said with a smirk
"Oh shut up. Pancakes and Eggs. Y'all better eat all of it, we made a lot."
"YESSS! I'm so hungry" Rocco replied.
All the boys sat down, including Derek and Brody.
I saw Brody giving Derek a face, but Derek was expressionless. Derek looked at me when I placed his food on the table, and he smirked. Damn, his smirk set my heart on fire.
"I'm going outside for a second. I'll be right back"

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