1) Daddy Issues

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"NO! Please.. please dad.."

He continued to hit me repeatedly... this happened every time he got drunk..

"This is for all the times you disobeyed me!"

He finally stoped, and he left me with multiple bruises.. I think I was bleeding. I fucking hate him. Soon, when I turn 18, I'm getting the fuck out of this place.. for good.

----The Next Morning---


Ughh, I just wanna fucking sleep. It's so early. Just 5 more minutes.


FINE. My phone alarm is so fucking annoying. Oh, a text?

"Rebecca!!!!!! Did you know there's supposed to be a new hot guy in school today? I don't know why he is coming senior year, but I'm excited as fuck. Gonna get some nice dick tonight ;)"
"Lol. Paige you're a piece of work. I GUESS I love you though. What's his name?"
"Derek!! Everyone's talking about him. He came from LA, I wonder if he's some really cool rich guy!!"
"Whatever. He's probably a dick like everyone else. He's just going to want pussy and all the girls will be all over him.. *cough cough, paige, cough*"
"HEY! Ofc he can have my pussy ;) lol. Get ready for school. 30 minutes!"
"Shit. I just woke up, whatever. No one to impress🤷🏼‍♀️"
"Bye Becca. Love youu"

Me and Paige have been best friends since I moved to New Jersey. We are almost complete opposites. I'm basically complete opposites from everyone here lol.
Sometimes I miss my old school.. and old friends.. but everything happens for a reason.
All everyone wants here is dick and pussy. Relationships aren't a thing here. If two people are dating, it's like they're going to breakup in a week or so.. ridiculous.
I'm honestly still a virgin, everyone here is too sexual and if I want to have sex, I'm going to have it with someone valuable, who's values me for who I am, not just my sexual doings.

I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth while I put on my favorite song, Daddy issues by The Neighbourhood. It's my go-too song. (At this time, swipe up and play Daddy Issues if you'd like)

After, I go into my closet and pick something out to wear.
I decided I would wear a black crop top, with the words, "I honestly don't care", with some ripped jeans and high top vans.
I put my hair into a high pointy tail, since my hair is so damn long and straight.
I decided to put on makeup today as well.
I put on some mascara, highlight, and light lip gloss.

Everyone goes ALL OUT except me. Some people even dye their hair. I will always keep my hair light brown. But whatever.

"Rebecca! You have 5 minutes to get down here and leave before I come up there, and you know what will happen!"
I wish my mom was here... every since, that day, my dad became the father I thought he could NEVER become. I'll always love him.. but I'll never like him.
I got my dark blue backpack and made my way downstairs. I silently walked passed my dad and made myself some coffee.
"Bye.. dad. Love you"
"Bye Rebecca. Stay out of trouble, or else"
I put on my headphones and continued listening to Daddy Issues

"go ahead and cry little girl. Nobody does it like you do. I know how much it matters to you. I know that you got daddy issues'''


I pulled into school with my white Honda, Paige was waiting right at the door for me. I'm usually late, but today I'm 3 minutes early. Lol.

I hop out of my car and see this tall figure, in all black. All the girls are swooning over him, so I suppose it must be the new guy.. Derek, I think?

We make eye contact, for a split second, and I walk away. I could feel his eyes follow me as I walked away, instead of crowding him.

I couldn't even see if he was good looking or not because of all the horny teenagers.

Whatever, the hot ones aren't my type anyway. Once again, all they want is sex.

"Hey Paige."
"OMGG. Did you see Derek? He's so fucking sexy. I think he looked at me!!!!!!!"
"Oh god. I kinda saw him, but I didn't get a good look. I just walked past, guys like him aren't good."
"Whatever you say. Damn he's fucking dreamy. He gets me wet just thinking about him. I wonder what classes he has!!"
She won't stop talking about him. Derek this! Derek that! I'm just praying he's not in any of my classes. All the girls will be annoying as fuck all over his dick and shit.
"Becca? You listening?"
"Yea. Sorry. Let's go in, the bells about to ring."

Sorry this part isn't that long. I'm going to attempt and make the other ones longer. It'll get a lot more interesting, I promise. This IS my first story, sooo.

*What do you think derek looks like?
*Should I put up a picture of Rebecca?
*let me know if there are any requests

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