Chapter Eighteen

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I'm now in an ocean of fangirl feels.⬆️


I heard beeping.

I couldn't focus on anything any longer.

I fell back into the darkness.


Someone opened a door. They ran their hands over my arms, making the cuts, bruises, and burns tingle.

The hands turned into Catherine's, searching for pressure points to put me in antagonizing pain, two summers ago. Two summers ago...

I couldn't help it. I thrashed against the hands, making the doctor call for assistance.

Someone helped hold me down and I felt a prick in my arm.

I was out again.


The first thing I did when I became conscious was groan.

"Oh, thank goodness," my mom whispered from the side of my bed when she saw my eyes flutter open.

I wondered why she wasn't holding my hand or rubbing my arm. Then I saw why.

Scars ranging from barely a centimeter to several inches covered my hands and my arms. My left shoulder was sore, as if I had dislocated it in the blow. I probably had. Plaster covered my right wrist, already signed with my family and friends' names. My legs felt and looked the same as my arms. My chest felt like it was burning. A bump on my head felt permanent. New stitches closed up the holes in my right shoulder.

I studied my hands. "What happened? When the bomb exploded, I mean."

"They found you against a tree. Several of Catherine's group had been killed or severely injured, like you. You've been in a coma for almost a week."

I coughed. My lungs felt scratchy. "What about Catherine? Is she here?"

Mom shook her head. "It wasn't until a few minutes after your friends heard the explosion that they came looking for you. She had disappeared by then."


We sat in silence for a few minutes.

She pushed herself up from the bed and opened the door. "Your father would be proud of what you've done," she said, and slipped out of the room.

The doctor came in a minutes later, asking me questions and running tests. After he had left, Zach came in and sat on the chair next to my bed.

"How's my mom and Joe?" I asked.

"If looks could kill, I'd be dead." He paused. "You were crazy for doing that, you know."

I smiled. "Oh, I know. I'll beat you up for saying that later."

"Couldn't resist."

"How 'bout, when I can leave, we can go on a little date together." I suggested. "Me and you."

"We never did catch that movie during Sophomore year. Does that sound nice." He pushed my singed away from my face.

Despite the pain, I pulled Zach's face close to mine. "Mhm." And then I kissed him.

The Pros and Cons of Finishing a Very...Interesting Mission

A List by Cameron Ann Morgan (soon to be Goode)

Pro: Getting back into a regular schedule. Well, as normal as a spy's schedule gets.

Con: The paperwork. My mom was right about the stuff.

Pro: Seeing your family and friends in a relatively non-dangerous environment.

Con: Having to go to the doctor routinely to have your injuries examined. I was fine, really. (But try telling the CIA director that. He's a total wimp with pain. [Did I just write that in my report?!])

Pro: Getting to do things a normal couple would do.

Con: Your mother and stepfather almost killed you and your boyfriend once you were off pain medication because of your engagement.

Thank you for all of the support with my first fanfiction! You guys are awesome!

My other works:

Tailing the Chameleon

Until Death Do We Stop Spying [the next in my little fanfiction series (out now!)]

Spy Between the Lines (formerly New World, Old Foe) [Gallagher Girls Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now