Chapter Thirteen

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I don't know how they did it. I don't know how they got so close to us. I don't know why neither of us noticed. All I know is, the next thing I knew, Zach and I were thrown up against the wall, guns pointed at our temples.

It must have been drugged rags pressed against our mouths, or the pain killer I had been given for my wound, because I couldn't fight back.

A man locked my and Zach's hands together with a single pair of handcuffs. Our captors grabbed our free arms and pinned them behind our backs, turning us away from the wall and shoving us toward the van's door.

We stumbled into the back, and I hit my head on the back as they sped off. My vision started to sway.

Zach grasped our chained hands together. I could tell he was losing it too. I rested my head on his lap.

"It's going to be okay," he murmured. "We're going to get out of this alive. I can feel it."

"No talking!" the driver roared from the front seat.

"I love you, Zach," I barely whispered as my world faded to black.


I woke up to a strong, authoritative, voice saying "Move." He kicked my side. "I said move!"

How long have I been out? An hour? Two hours? Could it have been longer?

Zach pulled me to my feet and we were ushered out of the back if the van into an old warehouse. The van was already parked inside, so I had no idea where we were.

I would have used this chance to fight, to break away from our captors' grasp, but seeing that there were eleven assorted guns trained on us, that would have ended in disaster.

We were pushed through a doorway and tied onto a metal chair. I ended up uncomfortably sitting on Zach's lap.

"Tell the boss she's here with a friend," one man snapped to another.

"Yes, sir," he said, and walked out of the room.

"Zach," I whispered slowly, "Where are we? When are we?"

"I don't know," he answered, never taking his eyes off of our guard. "I slipped into unconsciousness a little while after you did."

I heard a woman's voice bouncing off the metal walls. "Perfect. I'll be right there."

I froze. "Zach..."

He nodded stiffly. "I heard her too."

Echoing footsteps became louder and clearer as they made their way toward us, like a ticking clock.

The door open, and a woman stepped in.

Catherine Goode, to be exact.

She met my eyes. They were a cold green, threatening that they could stare deep into your soul and freeze your heart.

Catherine smiled, like I was an old friend. I guess I was, but on the villain and heroine type of terms.

"Cammie! How nice it is to see you again!" She turned her deadly and insane eyes to the boy who sat below me. Catherine clasped her hands together. "And Zachary!" she purred. "What a wonderful surprise! I wasn't expecting you'd be here today." She pinched his cheek. If it hadn't been Catherine Goode and a kidnapping situation we'd been in, I would of taken a picture for blackmailing my boyfriend.

Zach tried to kick her legs, but she jumped back, causing the chair to tip over with us on it. I landed on my left arm and yelped. I'm pretty sure the friction had torn out my stitches Abby had quickly put in at the hotel.

Catherine put a finger on her lower jaw, looking thoughtful. "Oh dear. I only thought Cammie was going to be here for now." She turned her head to the guards. "Someone go get me and Cammie a seat." She looked back at us and smiled. "We sure have a lot to catch up on."

She truly is insane.

When we had been settled (Zach only tried to punch the guard locking him to the chair seven times), Catherine crossed her legs and rested her chin on her palm.

"I have missed you, Zachy dear. It really makes me sad that you haven't tried to contact me in any way."

"I'm glad I can't say the same about you," he muttered.

"Tsk, tsk. That's no way to treat your presumed dead mother." Catherine shook her finger at her son.

"I was happy thinking you were dead," Zach snapped. "You should've stayed that way."

She slowly circled us, her heels clicking on the concrete. "Some things cannot be helped, Zachary. I would've thought you would of learned that by now." She paused, examining her nails. "Enough about me. I'm sure something has happened to you since the last time we met. Something like an engagement."

What? Oh, yeah, there's an engagement ring on my finger. That's fake. I had quickly changed into jeans and a Tshirt, but had forgotten to take the ring off.

Catherine's cold fingers brushed under my chin. "You really are such a nice girl."

I stiffened. Don't touch me. I hate you, I wanted to scream. I wish you were dead.

But I didn't, because right then, right there, Catherine had the upper hand. One word from her mouth, and we could be killed. So I kept quiet.

Catherine retreated a few steps and held her hands behind her back. "Now then, I'm guessing you would like to know why you are here?"

No answer.

She continued. "Revenge is a powerful thing. I never intended to rule the world, but a little power never hurt." She leaned against the doorway with a smirk on her face. "You and your team are the only ones who know the truth about me and can stop me. I guess you know what I have to do about that."

Catherine walked out the door and nodded for the single guard to lock it. "Goodnight, children. I might tell you more tomorrow morning. That is, if you live long enough."

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