Chapter Twelve

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Covert Operations Report

At 2230 hours, the Operatives heard static on the end of their communication devices. Operative Abigail Townsend ordered the field operatives back to the temporary headquarters. While returning, there was a tail car, which resulted in the bullet injury of Operative Cameron Morgan's upper left arm. When the Operatives reached Temporary Headquarters, they discovered a shocking sight.

Chairs were overturned. Various electronic devices were thrown on the floor. Jonas was slouching against a wall, unaware of his surroundings. Liz was facedown on the floor, unmoving.

"Liz!" Macey pushed passed me a ran to our smallest roommate.

Zach, Aunt Abby, and Townsend came to a halt behind us.

"Oh. My. Gosh," was all that my aunt could get out. Townsend silently placed a hand on her shoulder. Zach was already at Jonas' side.

Bex and I rushed over to Liz. "This can't be happening," I heard my best friend say.

Macey had already turned Liz on her side. I could see her chest rising and falling slightly.

I brushed her cheek with my hand. "Liz? Can you hear me? If you can, could you give me a lecture on, I don't know, something? Anything?" My hand dropped to my side. "Liz?"

I was the one who was supposed to be unconscious. I should of been the one not responding to my friends. I've been through the black many times. It should have been me, not my smallest, weakest, most innocent friend.

Aunt Abby was by our side now. She checked Liz over. "She seems fine," she sighed. "Except for the unconscious part. No telling what it might have done to her brain. We need to get out of here ASAP."

Preston was holding a burn phone. "Uhhh, do you want me to call 911?"

"No!" we all said in unison.

"That bloody number wouldn't even work here," Bex muttered and I wondered what she had been through since we had last seen each other.

Jonas was starting to explain was happened to Zach and Townsend. "They just burst in. Two hours ago, tops. Knocked Liz out with something- Liz!" Jonas struggled to get up, but Zach pinned him against the wall. "Where- how is she?" He finally submitted to Zach.

Zach leaned in to block his view of us surrounding Liz. "She's fine. She's just sleeping." He was trying to keep Jonas calm, but I was pretty sure his plan wasn't going to work on an above average genius's IQ.

He read the true answer in Zach's eyes. Jonas thrashed against Zach, making Grant help pin him to the wall.

"Just stay calm. Rest a little bit. We're taking care of her," Grant said.

Jonas took a deep breath and relaxed. "Just let me see her."

Aunt Abby nodded. We slowly backed away from Liz, as if a sudden movement would injure her more.

Jonas blinked as he saw her still body. He reached out to touch her hand. "It'll be okay, Liz. Just wake up soon."

Townsend cleared his throat. "Hate to ruin the moment," he said, "but we need to get out of here. Fast."

The three quiet hotel rooms soon came back to life. While we had been taking care of Liz and checking on Jonas, Townsend and Preston had cleaned the place up as best as they could. We were packed and ready to go in less than ten minutes. Townsend left the bill on the counter and we exited out the back door, Liz being carried by Bex on her back and Zach and Grant supporting Jonas.


We drove all night, taking turns at the wheel in silence. After about an hour, I heard a soft moan in the back seat.

"Wha-What happened? It feels as if a small bomb went off in my head."

"Liz!" Macey squeezed her in a hug.

"Careful! I'm not feeling the greatest." And as if to prove her point, she leaned to the side and puked.

"Definitely Sodium Thiopental," Aunt Abby muttered. "Pull over to that gas station, Edward. We'll clean up and get some food and fuel."

Aunt Abby, Macey, Bex, and Grant went inside the station. Townsend started filling the gas tank up.

"I need some air," Zach said as he stepped out of the van.

Zach had been unusually quiet during the drive. I waited with Liz and Jonas for about a minute, then decide to talk to Zach. "I'll be right back."

I found Zach punching the side of the building. "Careful, Blackthorne Boy. I hear bricks can break knuckles."

He gave one last punch and slid down onto the pavement. "It just felt good to get it out."

I examined his hands. His knuckles were split. A few minor bones were probably technically broken. Aunt Abby wouldn't be happy about this. "Get what out?"

"The whole mission," Zach sighed. "A tail on you and Bex. Catherine showing up. The tail car. Your shoulder. Now this."

I was silent.

He continued, "This just all doesn't make sense."

That's what I felt like this whole mission was about-questions with no answers.

"I just can't help but feel responsible for this whole mess."

"Well, don't," I said and pulled him into a long hug.

As we pulled away from each other, I studied Zach's eyes. They were scared, but had a softness to them.

What the Operative failed to see, however, was the van.

That was my very sad attempt at a Zammie moment. I really don't read romance stories.

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