Chapter Three

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When I finished packing, I went downstairs to meet Zach. When I found him, he was sitting on a weathered couch surrounded by several girls drooling over him, including Sophie. He had his arms crossed and a look on his face saying that he would kill all of them in a heartbeat if he was allowed to. His emotion changed when he saw me. "Hey," he greeted. "Ready to go?"

I was about to answer, but Sophie interrupted, "Cammie, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. I thought you said you didn't have time for boys." I looked over at Zach, who shook his head, signaling he hadn't said anything to her or anyone else.

I turned back to Sophie and the girls who were giving me killer glares. (I was really glad Dr. Fibs hadn't made his new looks-can-kill technology available to the public.) "Zach isn't my boyfriend. He's just my older brother who came to pick me up," I said, smiling at Zach like the lucky sister of a hot guy.

Zach smiled down at me like a loving brother. "Can't trust this girl to be out on her own," He said, hoisting up my box with my belongings like it was nothing. I swear all the the girls swooned. It's really too bad he's all mine... We climbed into his car. (Just an average looking car... nothing fancy unless you count the few extra buttons on the dashboard.) He started the engine and we drove off, away from the place where I was as normal as a spy could ever be. We drove towards the airport in silence.

Zach was the first to break the ice of separation. "So, Gallagher Girl, how's being normal?"

"Not as fun," I answered. "But also relaxing. I didn't have to worry if Dr. Fibs was going to accidentally blow up the school or if Liz was going to get a concussion in P&E. But I do miss the chef's crème brûlée and Bex's surprise attacks on me while brushing my teeth." I sighed and turned to face Zach. "So what's up with you and everyone else?"

"Well, my father proposed to Abby, so I guess I'm getting a new mother. Let's hope she's better than the last one." I smiled, knowing that married life for Abby and Townsend was going to be interesting. "I'll let your friends tell you the rest."

We reached the airport parking lot and caught a shuttle bus to the main airport. Immediately, I spotted Preston lugging four suitcases, three of which probably cost $500 a bag. I giggled inwardly, knowing that the expensive suitcases were fully dedicated to Macey and her clothes and cosmetics collection. Acting like I didn't know her, I "accidentally" bumped into her, apologized, and headed to our gate. I had successfully brush passed her two pairs of comms units to communicate with the group.

Getting through security was a breeze for us, even though we had a few weapons on us. (I had a lipstick/penknife and Zach probably had a gun concealed somewhere.)

When we reached our gate, I saw Liz and Jonas standing around, and I again completed a successful brush pass of comms units.

"How'd everyone get through security?" I asked through the comms units. "Zach and I got through with no problems."

"We got through fine," Liz answered for herself and Jonas. "But they messed up my color organized suitcase."

"Preston and I got through without any problems unless you count the small paparazzi following us demanding answers to questions about the disappearance of his father. We've used all of the losing a tail methods in the book, but they always seem to find us." Macey sighed. "I WILL KILL SOMEONE!" she yelled at the crowd.

I turned around and saw a small crowd of about twenty being pushed away by airport security because of Macey's yelling.

"Just make a dash for the plane," Jonas said. "We're boarding now."

We found our seats in the middle and settled down for a fifteen hour flight. We sat down, Zach by the window seat, me in the middle, and a guy on the end seat that I guessed was around Zach's age that kept staring at me with his small black eyes. That dude had really starting to freak me out. I whispered my worries to Zach, who switched seats with me and gave the guy a look that clearly stated: I will kill you if I have to. The guy turned his gaze towards the aisle, probably to find his next unsuspecting target. I was really glad that Macey was in first class, because if she caught that staring at her, she would probably execute some highly illegal maneuver on him.

I listened to my comms units, which I had forgotten to turn off, as well as Liz and Jonas. I could hear them arguing about which computer was better: the Tron230, or the Arch30. I could hear her labored breathing, which worried me. Someone's hurt already?! I looked at the TV in front of me, which reflected Liz struggling to put her unzipped carry on bag above her seat, but then fall because of the weight of her bag. At least it wasn't her lung that collapsed.

"Oopsy daisy," Liz said, clearly embarrassed as Jonas helped her pick up her computers and personal items that had fallen out. He then stuffed the suitcase into the overhead compartment and sat down. I turned off my comms unit, not wanting to hear how Liz might express her thanks and love for Jonas.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We are about to take off. Please buckle your seat belts and turn off all mobile devices, including Apples, Blackberries, strawberries, bannanas, and oranges," the pilot joked on the overhead speaker system. "Please enjoy your flight on United Airlines."

I snuggled into a ball and Zach pulled a blanket around my body. I leaned against his shoulder and fell asleep.

Spy Between the Lines (formerly New World, Old Foe) [Gallagher Girls Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now