Not a Rant

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Around a year ago or so, I was in my bed, half-dead because of the flu, when I received a notification from this girl who later became the support of my life. 


Rixia and I have been friends from a year and honestly, I don't know what I'd do without her. The beginning and end of 2018 where total crap for me but thanks to her I'm still here. 

I first met Rixia way back in 2017. Unfortunately, she chose the worse day possible to comment on my fic: the same exact day, the dreadful April 11, 2017, when my first boyfriend Eli dumped me. She commented in all caps that Brick was a Mary Sue (and looking back at it, she's right tho) because she's a vampire and also had an affair and, eh, that day I kinda let out my anger on her, telling her to fuck off and stuff. 

Summer of 2017 she discovered I'm a Juneli shipper and wanted me to be her friend. I was like "Is this chic serious???" So I whipped out the receipts and stuff. MONTHS later she replied, saying she isn't good at apologizing, and suddenly we became friends. 

Ever since that day, Rixia has never left my side and I have never left her side. We became a dynamic duo, supporting each other and yes, maybe sometimes we have different opinions, but what's a day without a storm, right? Families argue all the time and they're still a family, right? 

When my ex-boyfriend disappeared, Rixia was always there to make me feel better (Jason if you're reading this go fuck yourself. Eli, you too also stop calling yourself the Son of Horror cuz it's cringy.), she made me laugh and she cried with me. When she needed support, I was there for her to make her forget the pain and see the bright side of life. And yes, we sometimes call each other things like "hey bitch" and stuff, but that's just us and our sailor's mouths! 

Anyway, Rixia, thank you for being for me in my ups and downs. I honestly don't know where I'd be without you. You may be young, but your mind is older! You're literally one of the best things that happened to me and I'm more than glad to call you my best friend! <3

I love you and happy Bro-niversary! 

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