Leave My Name Out

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One thing I hate in this world is drama. It stresses me out, it gives me migraines, and it sometimes leaves me without sleep. I've been in and out of drama ever since I joined social media, but never on Wattpad--until now.

This is some shit my name shouldn't even be on because I barely know these people. Some guy from Argentina with the username el_sanson_de_Merlo was apparently accused of being a stalker. My name got thrown in these people's drama because I followed him without even knowing who the fuck this dude is.

Anyway, this dude, whose real name is Moises, has been bothering a lot of people who have been defending a girl from him. Now, like I said, I don't know these people very well because I've never interacted with them until now. I'm super confused and no one has been able to explain to me thoroughly what is happening. So please, like the title says,


Sure, this guy Moises sounds like an asshole because apparently he has contacted these girls even outside from Wattpad for what I read. That just means I just have to keep pretending that I don't speak Spanish even more because, honestly, and even though I don't wanna be part of this shit, I'm terrified of this guy. I've seen what he's said to these girls, how he catcalls him and even threatens them. But the point is, I wanna stay out of this drama because it's not my place. I'm just a regular Goth that likes to live in peace, and whose last 2 months have been full of senseless drama because well, I'm a monster. [insert Gabbie Hanna meme here]

Lastly, if any of the girls who are behind the stalker sees the, PLEASE LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS. I don't care what Y'all do with your lives but please don't involve me in this. I'm already terrified of the guy enough to have him on my DMs threatening me and calling me names. Thank you and see you all on the next rant. 

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