Stop Pressuring Me to Write, Please.

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Look, I get it, some of you guys came here for x and y content. Mostly because of my Little Witch Academia content, sure, I get it. But listen, you guys have to STOP pressuring me to update things.

I know it's been 3 years since I last updated some of my work. I'm sorry, I've been very invested with my Zelda hyperfixation. It is really, REALLY, strong. It got even stronger after the release of Tears of the Kingdom. It's really hard for me to focus on my other fandoms, but I promise I haven't forgotten about them! I just haven't had any ideas for them, unfortunately, because all my brain thinks about 24/7 is just Zelda, Zelda, Zelda. I mean, I literally named myself after Link. Hyrule's Hope has been a highly ambitious project that has led me to get out of my comfort zone more than LWA or JoJo have. It's been really fun writing Rhiannon's adventure. It's currently on its final arc, which honestly, Hyrule's Hope will just be "season one." I'm already planning its sequel because I feel like I can only stretch Hyrule's Hope for so long. I'm hoping to write its finale by the time I finish Tears of the Kingdom. The reason why it's also been me so long to put out new HH chapters is because I'm stretching them out a lot and cramming as much as I can, which is why chapters have been getting longer since the Springs arc. I want it to be immersive, as if you're watching an episode of an anime or you're actually playing a Zelda game. And trust me, I want Steps, Black Archer, and Brand New Beginning to have that same feeling, I really do!

Black Archer is a special case because I'm trying to rewrite everything I had for Slugterra that fortunately did not make it through. I want it to be influenced by Zelda, Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate, D&D, and Dragon Age. I feel like it still feels very Slugterra-ish and I'm trying my ding dang best to make it feel more like an actual dark fantasy thing.

When it comes to Steps, I'm correcting a lot of stuff. I'm currently rewatching JoJo because I want to catch up with Stone Ocean (even though I read the manga). I feel like Steps has a lot of inconsistencies and I want it to be closer to Part 5 as it can.

Lastly, when it comes to Brand New Beginning, well, let's just say that the reason why it hasn't been updated is because I'm currently in the process of redesigning most of my OCs. And unfortunately, redesigning leads to rewriting. I said this before but most OCs I made for Little Witch Academia were made when I was 18/19 during my first year of college. I'm 24 now and I'm about to graduate. There's a LOT of designs and backstories that I'm not longer content with. Another reason why I haven't cranked LWA original content is because in 2020 I literally overworked myself to the point of a creative burnout which is 10x worse than a creative block. I had too many ideas and couldn't catch up with myself. I had too many OCs that I wanted to put out and had too many headcanons that I wanted to add into my fanon. It was so bad it caused me constant anxiety attacks.

My mental health has a lot to do with this too. In 2021, I lost my house and we had to move in with my grandma. I'm also going through a lot emotionally and mentally because I'm pushing myself to academic perfection. This semester I had to take five classes in order to graduate. All I have to do now is a Language test and I'll be done—I'll be set for law school. I'm under a lot of pressure. I'm also neurodivergent: I'm autistic and I have ADHD. My mind is hopping from one place to the other so please be a little considerate about that.

I'm also considering rewriting the entirety of New Witch at School. The benefits is that I would at least cut it down from 84 chapters to maybe 50 or 60. But in order to do that, I at least wanna finish writing Hyrule's Hope or at the very least wait until my Zelda hyperfixation burns out. As I said, I wrote NWAS when I was 18, fresh out of high school. I'm 24 years old and looking back at it, it doesn't feel the same anymore. It feels childish. Compared to HH, it feels very unserious. Same thing with the sequel. I wrote it when I was 19 and it just doesn't hit the same. I want my fanfictions to feel like you're literally watching the anime.

I haven't fallen out of these fandoms, I just haven't had any good or groundbreaking ideas (I think the last good idea I had for LWA was the Blood of Oxford arc and the last good one I has for SOF was the Russian Mafia arc that I haven't even finished yet). I promise more content will come within time or when I feel complete Hyrule's Hope or maybe when I run out of ideas for Hyrule's Hope. I just ask of you guys to STOP PRESSURING ME to crank out content that I feel like I'm not ready to go back to yet. Please stop asking me when I'm going to update x, y, or z. It's annoying. I'm a human, not a machine. I cannot magically crank out chapters like I'm ChatGPT. It takes time, it takes patience, it takes passion, and it takes LOVE to write these stories because I want them to be good. I'm currently working on Chapter 50 of Brand New Beginning but I'm writing it in the new format. It's also going to take me just as much as it takes me to write one Hyrule's Hope chapter because I'm focusing on quality over quantity.

If you cannot wait until a new chapter drops, read something else or find another author. I'm not a robot to just pull chapters out of my ass just because y'all ask me to. I won't "update ASAP" just because you tell me to. You're gonna sit there and wait a million years if you have to. Pressuring me will only lead me to block you. So once again, BE PATIENT. If you want a new chapter, you'll have to WAIT. Read something else while you wait, I can assure you there's plenty of other good authors out there. If you're that desperate for me to put out chapters, find someone else. I've had it up to here with this bs. I pour blood, sweat, and tears into my craft, whether it's writing, drawing, cosplaying, etc. it takes skill to write a good, concise, well-written chapter. Stop demanding me for content.

Thanks for reading, I guess.

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