Chapter 8

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"I should probably start packing." I say to myself.

I get out a huge packing box to put my things in. I fold all of my clothes and put them on one side, then my shoes on the opposite, and my extra stuff in the middle. I check the time and it says 4:58. He should be coming... Is he going to come though? I thought. I tip toe downstairs. I see my dad sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper.

"Shit... I'm gonna have to put up a fight." I whisper.

I bring my huge box out, trying my hardest to not make a sound. I tip toe downstairs some more until I reach the floor. I accidentally drop the box and it makes a loud noise. Shit! I thought to myself. My dad turns around to see me.

"What are you up to? And why do you have a big box?" He asked. I'm gonna tell him. My eyebrows narrowed as I be-ginned to talked.

"I'm moving out and living with Kian, and you're not stopping me." After I said that, I picked up the box and quickly rushed to the door. Dad gets there before I do.

"Move away!" I said trying to pull him away from the door.

"You are not going anywhere! Especially with Kian!" He yelled. I paused for a moment thinking about what to do.

"Where the fuck is mom?" I spit out.

"She's not here. You are not going to ask her anything." He said.

"Fuck you dad. Such a pain in the damn ass." I say looking him in his eye, "Just move will you? I'm not a baby anymore, I can do whatever I fucking want." I add.

"Now, stop swearing." He said. I heard a honk from outside. It's Kian!

As dad was looking out the door to see who it was, I kicked him in the back. He fell to the ground. It was my chance. I grabbed the box and tried to run to the car. Dad grabbed me by the back and pulled me to the ground.



I stepped out of the car after I saw Jennifer kick her dad in the back.

"What the hell?" I say as I start to run to Jennifer.

Jennifer grabbed the box and tried to run over to the car, but her dad grabbed her and pulled her to the ground. I run over to her and try to pull her away from her dad.

"Get him away from me Kian!" She cried.

"I'm trying Jennifer!"

He was holding her by the hair. I grabbed ahold of her arm, and tried my hardest to pull her off.

"Don't touch my daughter!" Her dad yelled, struggling to hold her.

"Kian try harder!" She yells.

I pull and pull until her dad breaks loose of her control, and she runs into my arms.

"Quick, we have to get the box!" She ran to the box but her dad picked it up first. "Let go of my fucking box you asshole!"

"No! If you go with him, you're not getting your stuff back!" He yelled.

"Guys calm down!" I said, trying to separate them.

"Move!" Her dad pushed me aside.

"Don't fucking touch him you monster!" She stuck up the middle finger.

"You asked for it." Her dad grabbed scissors out of the box.

"Whoa whoa! No stabbing will happen here! Let's be surreal-" Jennifer interrupts me.

"Do it. Just remember that you killed me, and your grandchild." She said.

"Jennifer!" I said looking at her.

Her dad looked at her, then at me, then her stomach, then the scissors. He slowly put the scissors back in the box. He turned around.

"You've ruined this happy family. If we never went to...." He continued to talk.

Jennifer looked at me. "We have to get the box." She mouthed.

"Right, I'm right behind you." I mouthed back.

She sneaked to the box, quickly grabbed it and ran. Her dad turned around to chase her.

"START THE CAR!" She yelled as she got in.

As soon as she got in, I stomped on the pedal.



Kian stomped on the pedal and the car zoomed by. I turn back to see if dad was in his car coming after us. He was.

"Shit! Faster Kian Faster!" I say.

"This is how fast I can go!" He said frantically. "How are we doing? Is he close?"

"No but I don't want him in sight!"

Kian took a sharp turn. I hit my head on the window.

"Holy fuck!" He looks at me then parks at a place to hide from my dad. "Are you okay Jennifer?" He touched me on the head.

"Yeah, yeah. It just hurt for about 55 seconds." I say touching his hand.

"Oh good." He sighed. "I was scared for a moment." He softly said.

"Does my dad know where we are?" I say looking out the window.

"I don't think so. He hasn't derived past us."

"We'll keep driving. He doesn't know where you live."



We arrive at his house. He lets go of the wheel, sits back, and sighs.

"That was crazy." He closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry to drive you into this mess. Maybe that's why I'm not so good at relationships." I say.

"Nah, I'm fine with it. I feel so lucky to have a beautiful, kind, caring girlfriend like you." He smiled.

"I have a question." I say.

"Go ahead..."

"Will stay with me forever? Til the end? Til we die?"

"We can't die unless we go to hell, which surely won't happen. So, I will always be by your side. And you'll be by mine." He responded. I smiled at him.

"Well... I'm lucky to have a handsome, caring, truthful boyfriend like you. I still don't understand how you are still with me after all this bullshit that my dad gave you." I laugh.

It started to rain.

"It's rainin' rainin'! Oo baby it's rainin'! Baby come into meeee!" He sang.

"That's my job, Kian!" I laugh.

"Oh right." He laughs.

I look out at the rain.

"Park in the garage so I don't have to be wet." I say.

"What's wrong with being wet? It makes it easier for me to slide into you." He laughs.

"Kian not that way!" I laugh with him.

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