Chapter 1

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Hi. I'm Jennifer Taylor Renee and I'm going to tell you my short story on how I met the famous beautiful Kian Lawley, and how things took a turn for the worst. This will be told in 3rd person.

Jennifer Taylor Renee was in Germany for the week and she took a flight back to Californa. She sat down in her section on the airplane. She sat next to this man with a beautiful Jaw Line that was easily noticeable. "

"Um... Can I have the window seat?" Jennifer asked.

He turned around and looked at her with his dark brown eyes. She nearly fainted because he was so sexy. But she controlled herself.

"Huh?" He asked.

"What?- Oh Um... The seat..." She said looking embarrassed.

"Oh yeah, that's fine." He said.

"Thank you. I mean, sorry, I just really like the window seat..." She said as they exchanged seats.

"No no I don't mind." He laughed. There was a long silence. All Jennifer could do was stare at this sexy man. She broke the silence by starting a conversation.

"So... Since we're going to be sitting on this plane for 9 hours... We might as well get to know each other... What's your name? I'm Jennifer Taylor Renee. You can call me Jen or Jenny." She smiled under her breath.

"Hello Jennifer Taylor Renee. I'm Kian Lawley. I'm 18 years old." He smiled.

She sat there staring at his beautiful eyes.

"Oh uh I'm 17." She said stuttering.

"Nice to meet you." He brung his hand out so they could shake.

"Nice to meet you too hot- I mean Kian." She smiled. "So why are you going to Los Angeles?" She asked.

"Oh I live there with... 4 other people. I went to Germany for just.. Visits I guess." He explained.

"That's nice. I actually stayed in Germany for a week, just to see family." She said, still looking into his deep dark eyes.

"Uh... Are you okay?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm.. I'm fine! Perfectly fine..." She said. "Dammit Jennifer! What the fuck, don't do or say anything stupid. Stupid fucking me." She muttered under her breath.

"Alright cool..." Kian said. "Well I think it's best you have my number. You seem like a cool gal, I'd like to talk to you sometime, and also have you meet everyone else I live with." He offered. She took it without thinking.

"Thanks. I'll give you mine just Incase I loose yours." She says.

"Cool.... Well let's relax on this long flight..." Kian said. For the rest of the flight, they didn't talk. They just did their own thing.

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