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"Why even try, you're going to fail anyways."

"What?" I turned around, eyebrows furrowed as I made eye contact with deep brown eyes. City light illumined the orange hair that cascaded over his forehead, it made his eyes stand out even more. Sad, he had sad eyes.

"I said... Why even try, you're going to fail anyways."

He started to walk closer to me, I slowly backed up as he stated to get closer. "You know, it will be weird for people to see you back up so hesitantly and have such a worried expression on your face when you're practically looking at nothing, well of course only in others eyes."

The words he spoke sounded familiar, I stopped backing up. "You're kidding right? This isn't funny to be going around and making people feel like they are crazy you know." I looked around, a older lady passed by me on my left, she didn't seem to notice the guy that was in front of me. I walked up to her still watching the strange man with orange hair. "Ma'am, you can see him right, I just need proof so if he does anything weird I have a witness." I pointed to the man, "I think he's playing around with me." I finished. "Miss there is no one there, I'm afraid you might be the one messing around here." she shook her head and walked off muttering a low "Children these days".

I look to find the man that was once in front of me but was no longer there. I turned around to see if the man was around but he wasn't. "Ash Y/N, you need sleep. He probably walked off because he got scared that he got caught." I hurried off still very perplexed about the situations I keep getting myself into... It cant be real right, did someone do something to my drink or something...

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you so so so much for the reads and the votes! It means the world! I'm sorry I have not been updating, I edited the later chapters and fixed some things so some things changed like the introduction to one of the characters in chapter 2, do if you want and your reading this and keeping updated with this you can reread it so you can understand it but you don't have to lol. I know this chapter is crap but I wanted to get the ball rolling. Again thank you so much!

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