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As my feet collided with the hard cement my eyes focused on the passing flashing lights that decorated the city with crimson red and shades of blues that's familiar signaling that crime had happened not so far from me. I breath out as a puff of white smoke exit my lungs. From eyes afar it might seem like smoke from burning fire wood, but its far from that. The white smoke is simply from the coldness that numbs the tip of my nose and fingers forcing my body to try to get warmer by snuggling into my soft coat.

I had just gotten out of the warmth of the library. I had studied for a huge a exam that's slowly approaching as the days go by. Deciding that It would be in my best interest to walk instead of taking a bus or a cab. I needed fresh air to clam my tensed muscles from sitting down for over 2 hours of vigorous studying.

As I walked I soon regretted my choice of walking alone, the reason being was because the night started to claim the city and soon no one was passing by me on the side walk, making the night even more chilling.

I soon crossed paths with the red and blue lights that rushed by me when I had gotten out of the library. As I studied what looked like the after math of a bad car accident my eyes focused on multiple scattered pieces of metal and glass that sprawled all over the road. my eyes soon explored the working bodies of multiple medics and police officers that seemed to be in a hurry, eyes glisten with fear and worry.

My eyes soon made contact with the eyes of a boy who stood on the side walk across the street. His eyes studied mine, all was present in his dark orbs was fear, it practically radiated off of him. I couldn't take my eyes of the mysteries boy who seemed fixated on my presence, but soon I had lost sight of the boy as another Ambulance rolled into the scene of the car crash.

Looking around with no sight of the boy nor really a reason to stick around any longer, I started to make my way home faster then before with the chilling image of the tall boy with blonde messy hair and pale skin imprinted into my memory.

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