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"So Mark is back?" My moms finally spoke up.

"Yep, he's finally back from collage. You have to come with me next time to see him, he looks so different!" I spoke excitedly. "Well it would be a good idea to see him, and catch up with the guy my baby has a crush on. And of course to catch up with Mister and Missus Tuan." My mom smirked at me. My mom has always knew of my crush on mark, well of course she knows because I was a little kid when I had told her, I could never keep a secret from her back then, she still ships me with him, always talking about how he is 'A nice man that can take care of you and is quite the looker as well'. "Mom stop it, that was when I was a kid, I didn't even really know what a crush was." "Well you know now." My mom laughed out as I just sneered at her.

"Can you please switch up the conversation for the love of god." "Hm?" I looked at my mom with confession. My mom looked up at me from her coffee with the same amount of confusion plastered on her face. "Did you say something?" I asked.

"No, why?" she questioned me with confusion lining her voice. I looked around the café to see if anyone was looking at me to start a conversation, maybe it was just me listening into a conversation without me realizing it. "Nothing, just thought I heard something." I spoke. My mom looked up at me and smiled indicating that she understood.

Awhile past with me and my mom catching up with each other. It was now 4pm and both me and my mom had to leave.

I made my way back to my house, of course my mom had to pick a café quite the ways from my house. I had already chosen to not go to school this morning, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't effect anything ,like I said we are not really learning anything anyways, plus its Thursday and I would still have tomorrow and all of the rest of the weekend to study. "Why even try? You're going to fail anyways."


Thank you! Purple you!

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