Oh, turpentine erase me whole

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The title actually has nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about...but oh well.

I'd actually go to great lengths during school to do one of the following things. I'd either pretend to be sick to get out of something, or go to school very ill.

I'd fake an illness when it came to a presentation or a preformance, or anything that would cause anxiety of any kind. I'd even sneak food from the cafeteria and throw it in the toilet to make it seem like I'd thrown up. I'd also pretend to have a bad headache whenever I'd have to do some sort of participation. I just hate presentations and talking in front of the class so much.

And then I'd go to school sick when there was a test, or a project due. I did this because I knew that if I didn't go, I'd have to ask the teacher when I should turn it in, or I'd have to get sent to another class. If that happened, everyone will be looking at me, I'd be getting attention, and I hate attention.

At the same time, when I was sick, I'd try not to sneeze or cough. That would also get attention. I'd actually hold in my coughs. Don't ask me how I did it, I'm not sure. I just remember tearing up eventually and occasionally spazzing out from holding in the cough. Now that I think about it, it probably wasn't a very healthy decision.

Another thing, I never say "Bless you" after someone sneezes. It's not because I'm trying to be rude, I just don't want to be the only one that says it. I love how I have all of these reasons for what I do, as if that justifies anything.

I can't be the only person that does this, right?

Please tell me I'm not completely insane.

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