Curious Device

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okay, we've all had those songs that we just fall in love with and feel as though they practically read your mind, right?

I found one of mine. This song is absolutely amazing, in my opinion, of course.  It's not nessecarily reading my mind (but pretty much, yeah.) And you can find this song on the side, in the video...thing (I honestly have no idea what to call it, but I'm sure you get the idea)

And this only makes me love Steam Powered Giraffe even more. Okay, this is just one band member, Michael Reed, but still. This song has a very Riddler-ish sound to it, doesn't it? I picture Edward Nigma singing it, almost.

I just had to share this song with everyone. This may be slowly turning into my favorite song. I'm the type of person that will listen to a song, no matter what, and always put the lyrics into my life. As the case with most people, you'll probably learn more about me by listening to the music I like, or just reading my stories, being that I'm not that great with just talking straight forward.

And now you will all see how strange of a music taste I have.

eh...who am I kidding, this song is reading my mind. :/

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