The Malfunctioning Stapler Predicament

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So, it was a normal day in french class in the 4th grade. We were making easter eggs, and I designed mine to look like Sonic The Hedgehog because like I've said before, I was an awesome little kid. My french teacher really liked my egg, and told me to put it up on the wall. While I was really proud of my work, I didn't do anything. I didn't want to ask for help because I didn't want to seem stupid.

Not knowing what to do, I stood there awkwardly for several minutes. Kids would ask me why I was standing up by the wall, but I just shrugged. She asked me why I didn't put it on the wall, to which I replied, "I don't know how,"

She laughed and told me to get the stapler. I started to freak out. I never used a stapler before. I knew how to use it, but I was still a bit nervous. So, I go to staple the thing on the wall, but realized I had to somehow adjust the stapler before I could actually staple it to the wall. So after a few minutes of struggling with that, I finalyl figured it out. I was a bit calmer about the situatioin so, I tried staple it. I then realized that either there were no staples left, or one of the staples got stuck. I took a good amount of time trying to figure out how to fix it. I didn't want to ask for help, being so socially awkward, I didn't know how to ask. I didn't know how to get her attention without drawing the attention of all the other classmates.

I tried to fix it by myself. It took some careful thinking, but I thought I got it to work again.

Long story short, I ended up with a staple inside of my thumb. Yes, I stapled my thumb. I didn't scream or freak out, no that would draw attention. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I was somehow able to pull half of it out, but I still didn't want to draw attention to my mistake, so I didn't say anything. I proceeded to pull out the staple. The pain hadn't kicked in yet, I was still in shock from the situation. I finally got the staple out, and no one seemed to notice. Everything was fine...until someone noticed I had  blood pouring down the side of my arm and onto the floor.

The teacher didn't give me time to explain, even though I had been planning a long story for how everything happened. Everyone was looking at me, and I was rushed into the bathroom.

And for the next three years I was terrified to use a stapler. I didn't even use a stapler again until 7th grade. And I think that hole in my thumb finally went away.

* * *

be very careful with staplers...that is all :P

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