A Trip To E.R.

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Bryce was crying for at least the 5th time that night. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what exactly it was that was bothering him. I had fed him, changed him, and burped him but nothing seemed to be working.

It was frustrating me. Neither of my parents was helping and John wasn't there so I was all alone trying to make Bryce be quiet.

"Come on bud, Momma's tired. What's wrong with you?"

If I could've had one wish at that moment, it would've been that Bryce could've talked for just one minute to tell me what was wrong.

It was killing me knowing that nothing I could do could make him better.

For a few minutes I thought that maybe he had colic, but then I realized that this was Bryce's 'pain cry'.

"Think Lexi, think. What could be wrong with Bryce?" I said to myself.

I looked down in the crib at Bryce. His face was red and puffy from crying and his cheeks were soaking wet from the tears.

I picked him up and noticed that he felt warmer than he usually did so I laid him back down in his crib and walked to my parent's room. They were sleeping, but I didn't have any other choice but to wake them up. I didn't know what to do about Bryce.

I gently shook my mom, "Mom, wake up," I whispered.

"Mom," I said a little bit louder.

She started wiggling so I shook her again, managing to wake her up this time.

"What time is it Lexi?"

"Uhm," I looked at their clock on the nightstand, "it's 1:07."

"In the morning?"


"So why did you wake me up?"

"Something's wrong with Bryce and I can't figure out what. He's been crying all night, he feels warmer than usual, and I don't know what to do."

"Did you feed him?"


"Change him?"


"Is he wearing warm pajamas?"

"No, he's wearing those really thin ones."

"Did you take his temperature?"

I paused, "No."

"Go do that Lexi. You need to think more, girl. Especially at nights. I don't like getting woken up."

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