Another update...

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  • Dedicated to MY PERFECT FANS

hey guys! sooo... i just wanted to kind of give you all an update as to what's going on with me and the story... 

So basically...the last couple of days, i've been here on wattpad a lot more than i have been in the last couple of months and i've been trying to respond to some comments and what not on some of my less popular stories and also on the last chapter of double trouble where i gave the announcement that i was putting it on hold...

First i just want to say that i seriously appreciate you all so much!! So many of you are leaving me the sweetest and most heartfelt comments and i appreciate that so much! You have no idea how much that means to me... and so many of you are also leaving me stories about stuff that you've gone through and it's just making me feel good that so many of you would be willing to tell me, a virtual stranger, your stories... and again, i appreciate that so much... 

the next thing that i wanted to say is that i do plan on starting to write again.. i've actually been writing some short stories just to kind of get me back in the habit.. and i've really enjoyed doing it.. and uhm... yeah, i do plan on actually writing a chapter in double trouble either tonight or tomorrow morning.. i need to go back and read through both 14 and Pregnant and Double Trouble because honestly, i've forgotten a lot.. So that'll take me probably a couple hours to get through... uhm.. the chapter i'm gonna be writing won't be up right away though because i do want to have at least 3 back-up chapters ready to publish in case i just don't feel like writing... So i'd say within the next week to 2 weeks, i should have a new chapter up... 

Also, reading through your comments on the last chapter, i know that some of you are worried that me writing again equals me not being happy but i just want to let you guys know that i'm fine... I'm not in a bad place right now.. i'm pretty happy with everything in my life right now... i'm experiencing so much this summer and all the new experiences are putting me in a good place, and they're making me excited for what's in store for me later in my life... I do still have my off days though... I have been missing my grandpa a lot lately... i work in a restaurant where a lot of older gentleman come in with their grandkids and it really makes me miss that and it makes me wish that i could just spend time with either of my grandpas.. and it does make me sad, but it isn't to the point where i can't function...

so basically, me writing has nothing to do with me being sad.. i'm writing purely because i miss it... i just really really miss writing!! 

I'm super excited about this and i hope you guys are too and i really thank you all sooooo much for your support!! it means the world to me, honestly! you all are so perfect and so amazing and lovely and wonderful and you all mean the world to me!! i love you guys!! i'll see you in a new chapter soon :D <3 

much love!!! --Chandra

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