Hard Times

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“Calm down Bryce. It’s ok. Shhh. Amberley, you’re fine too. I’ll pick you up once your brother stops crying.”

Their crying made me want to cry. I was frustrated and tired. Amberley and Bryce were both crying at the same time and I was the only one at home. I dreaded moments like this. They scared me because I always thought I was going to do something wrong.

“Please quit crying guys. You’re making mommy tired.”

Unfortunately for me, they didn’t stop crying. In fact, they both started crying harder.

I sighed, “Ok Bryce, you’re laying down for a little while. I need to change your sister’s diaper.”

I laid Bryce down in his bed and then picked Amberley up.

“Ok honey; let’s get your diaper changed.”

When I laid Amberley on the changing table, the doorbell rang.

“Oh shoot.”

I picked Amberley back up and put her back in her crib and then went downstairs to answer the door.

“Jess! O my gosh! It’s so good to see you! Listen, I need your help. Please come upstairs with me.”

“Uhm, Lexi I-”

I grabbed her arm and started dragging her up the stairs, “No time to talk right now. I’m having a major baby crisis.”

When we got to the babies’ room, I started giving Jess orders.

“Ok, you take Bryce. He’s just cranky. I’ll take Amberley. She needs to be fed and changed.”

Jess just stared at me, “Ok.”

I picked up Bryce and handed him to Jess, “You can either walk him around or you can sit in one of the rocking chairs and try to rock him to sleep. Here’s a burping rag to put on your shoulder. He tends to spit up a lot. Here‘s his silky blanket. He likes to sleep with that around his arm. Oh, and here‘s his pacifier. You‘ll have to hold it in his mouth because he can‘t do that yet.”

Jess’s face looked shocked. I think she was having a hard time taking in everything I was saying because I was saying it so fast.

“Is that it?” she asked.

“Yeah, I think so. Sorry I’m doing this to you. You didn’t have to go anywhere did you?” I asked as I picked up Amberley from her crib.

“No, I just came to see you and the twins.”

“Ok, good.”

She laughed.

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