Chapter 29

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[Edited: 10.4.19.]

Warning :
Suicidal thoughts,
Mental health issues.

Chapter 29|No one's POV

"AAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHH", that were the only things Naruto remembered hearing and screaming for a long while. He couldn't remember if it were his screams or Itachi's, maybe even someone else's?

His left hand was numb, his right was in pain but he could still move it a tiny little bit. He didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

Just then a shock wave hit him, "AAAAHHHHH." There was some sick laughter in the background.
Damn sadists.

They had been doing that non-stop. Torturing him, probably Itachi too.
It was sick. All kind of tools were used on him. He felt humiliated. It was humiliating. If he ever got out safe, he would probably deal with some mental issues. He heard some people in the background sighing —as if it was hard to torture them; yeah right, Naruto could have scoffed right there— and chatting something about a pause, "We'll make a pause, c'mon boys let's go! Don't worry, demon. We'll be back soon! Don't miss us too much." The laughter rang in the air and Naruto clenched his teeth.

After they left Naruto asked Itachi, "A-Are you alright?" He had tried hard to keep the pain from his voice but nothing was of use. Itachi didn't answer for a long while, "What do you think?...." Itachi had wanted to ask Naruto if he was alright but he couldn't. He hated it.

Naruto smiled despite the pain it caused him and laughed lightly. Itachi's angered snarl stopped him. "W-What's wrong...?"

"How can you laugh so freely when they just.... just tortured you?"

Naruto had sighed and bit his lip, "How can I not when I know that my life it going to end soon? I'm going to die and it's alright, I deserve it."

It was then that Itachi realized his mistake and the damage done to Naruto. He shivered at the thought of death. Even he —Uchiha Itachi— feared death. He guessed that was what every human did. Despite everything he was still human. But being able to talk about ones death and death of himself so freely was... Sickening.

"I'm sorry..." That was a small whispered confession and Itachi felt like he should have said more. A lot more. That he should have told and sold his souls off right there. But when he heard joyous chuckling he couldn't think like that again.

"I should be saying that but anyway you are forgiven!" It was so joyful and innocent that Itachi couldn't think that the person whom the voice belonged —Naruto— was a murderer or shinobi.

Just then many footsteps echoed trough the room, they were back.

Naruto began silently to tremble in fear.

"Missed us, demon?"


It was predicted. His death would be on the day today. One of the men picked up a kunai and headed towards him with sickening laughter, "We'll make sure to burn your body demon!" And he didn't struggle.

Just as the kunai was about to pierce trough his heart a scream interrupted the whole thing. The Root anbu went flying everywhere and behind them stood Nagato, Obito and Konan.

Naruto could hear somewhere in his mind Kurama sigh in relief. He himself was however indifferent about the whole thing. Honestly it disgusted him that he thought death was the only outcome but he couldn't help it. Sasuke would have had been alive and kicking if he didn't.....

He stopped that trail of thoughts right there. He felt the ropes being cut and the blindfold being removed. He had to blink a few times because of how bright it was.

They were indeed at a cell. And then he realized something. He was naked.
He quickly gathered the clothes —which were somewhat still whole—and dressed himself. He didn't look his company in the eyes. He couldn't.
The blonde was humiliated, weak, embarrassed, hungry, thirsty, fragile and hurt.

Naruto could almost feel the pitying glances from Konan and the sympathetic glances from Nagato and Obito. And he didn't want to feel them.


It had been a few days since that event. Days that were horrible. He knew he would suffer some mental illness but this was too much. He regularly got the feeling that he was useless, unwanted and should die. He didn't cut or try to kill himself, yet.

It was just a matter of time before his mind broke.

He was fighting, after all heros never give up. That practicular thought never ceased to let him smile. It was honestly ironic but the irony wasn't one for laughing.

"Do you need something Itachi?" Naruto sensed Itachi approaching him some while ago. Being a sensor had it's benefits.

Itachi shook his head, sat down and stared at Naruto. They were sitting on a cliff. Clichè if you ask him. Naruto started getting slowly pissed off at the staring and silence, "Then what are you staring at?"

And much to his shock Itachi leaned in —trapping him in process— and slowly but surely kissed him. The kiss lasted for a while in which Naruto didn't respond but nor push Itachi away seeing as he (Naruto) was still in too much shock to properly grasp what was happening.

And when Itachi pulled away the blonde was a bit flushed and his breathing picked up. It was a bit adorable in some weird way.

And just when Naruto was about to yell Itachi cut him off, "I like you too."
Naruto's eyes widened and he stuttered, "W-who says that I-I like you too?!" Itachi turned to him with a blank stare, "You really are an idiot."
And Naruto's protests were cut off by Itachi kissing him again. It would be later that he would deny he liked it but for now he would enjoy.

Yes they're finally together! And I'm sorry for the angst chapter but I had to!

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