The Calm Before The Storm

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He killed the man weeks ago.

He saw the same girl again.

She never left his mind.

The boy had no calls from The Voice, no assignments.

The Voice must have planned it as he had acquired a huge amount of money that day. Enough to keep him safe for months.


"Wake up Mabel"

"What is it father?"

"It is time to track the boy's progress"

Mabel has been chided on by her father to track a random boy's progress. She did not seem to know who she was tracking, all she had to do was see if he finishes his target off.

Mabel's father was a man of God, as he called himself and acted as a shepherd thinning his sheep.

Mabel was called on by her father on this particular day and given an assignment.

it was to kill the boy discretely, No traces left. It would be her rite of passage after years of training. She would finally be an adult in her father's eyes.


The boy got a file. His first assignment after months. The Voice told him that this would be his final assignment as such.

He was ready.

He opened the file, the paper making its crinkly sound as it turned.


A shock arced up his spine.

It was the girl.

She was his last assignment.

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