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The young boy only new this place.

His home.

It wasn't much but it was the only remnant of his past.

The boy was in the main room. This was a basement that someone created for him. He remembered a warm smile from a person... A person he couldn't remember.

He looked around. This basement had nothing out if the ordinary. He'd been living here for a few years now. Six.

It had a good bed. A small kitchenette. A toilet. It was spacious.

The reason why the boy liked it was, no one knew about it...or so he thought.

Just him and his thoughts.

The tired boy proceeded to his bed.

Night time.

The dreams still didn't make sense.

He saw vague occurrences.

A man screaming a name.
A woman crying.
A house on fire. The house looked familiar.
It was the house below which he lived.
A gloved hand ushering him off.


The young boy sat up groggily. It was just like any other night. The same vague dreams. They meant nothing.

He tried to remember.


His awareness lasted till six years before. A man in an Armani suit gave him his phone. Told him that he had been trained. It was time to go to work. He didn't mind.
The Voice at the other end always gave him enough money to last till the next job.

The job was always the same. Kill this person. He never questioned it.

His home was safe and the voice let's him meet his ends.

Alley Of DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang