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❝ you and i, we're like
the moon and the stars,
the sky and the clouds ❞

— b1a4, starlight song


they both reached sooji's house after fifteen minutes of walking. it's already dark when they get there.

just when sooji placed a hand on the doorknob, she felt haruto's hand on top of hers. they both reached for the doorknob at the same time.

sooji pulled her hand back out of shock, “w-what are you doing?” she felt her cheeks burn.

“i'm opening the door for you” haruto answered innocently.

sooji sighed, “this is my house and you're my guest”

haruto didn't listen and twisted the doorknob instead, letting sooji in just like a gentleman before he gets in.

“mom, dad, i'm home” sooji yelled.

haruto followed sooji to the living room, they found sooho plopped on the couch with his eyes shut.

“how's soccer practice, captain?” sooji asked her twin brother.

sooho let out a groan, “sucks” still with his eyes closed.

sooji chuckled, “i brought haruto with me”

sooho's eyes flung open, getting up hurriedly. “why's he here?” he blandly asked.

“i invited him over. what about it?” sooji asked back, annoyed at the attitude of her brother.

sooho rolled his eyes before lying on the couch again. sooji awkwardly smiled at haruto, “he's just tired” she whispered.

“mom, haruto is here!” sooji yelled.

mrs. kang rushed out of the kitchen with a welcoming smile on her face. haruto immediately bowed.

“wait a little, the dinner will be ready after a few minutes” mrs. kang giggled like a kid.

they both stayed in the living room. sooji took a seat on a couch beside where sooho is laying. haruto took a seat on a couch across her.

“sooji,” haruto called “tomorrow's your birthday. did you get the tickets already?”

sooji's heart fluttered. he remembered, she said to herself.

she was about to answer when sooho got up from the couch “i already bought it for her” he said.

“oh okay” haruto replied. sooho walked to his room without looking back.

a minute or two had passed when mrs. kang made her way to the living room where sooji and haruto is talking, “dinner is ready” she said.

she guided them to the dining area, “have a seat, pretty boy” haruto flashed an awkward smile at mrs. kang. “sooji dear, tell your dad and brother to come down and eat” with that, sooji walked upstairs.

few moments passed when mr. kang entered the dining area, eyeing haruto. haruto found sooji's dad strict and intimidating the first time he saw him. tonight is his second time meeting him but it still makes haruto feel nervous. haruto's knees wobbled as he stood up and bow, “annyeong haseyo” haruto greeted, mr. kang nodded in return.

the tired-looking sooho also entered, taking a seat across him. sooji followed, already changed into a pink oversized shirt and a pair of white shorts, he took a seat beside haruto.

mrs. kang entered the dining area, serving a plate of stir fried rice and buttered vegetables before taking a seat beside her husband.

“eat up, kids” mrs. kang said as she put overwhelming amount of food in haruto's plate, making haruto gulp.

they started eating. the food was good. haruto isn't really a fan of veggies but this time is an exception.

“you liked it?” mrs. kang asked haruto. he beamed, “i love it” haruto answered, causing mrs. kang to laugh.

sooji whispered to him, “dad is a great cook too”

the dinner went well. they talked a lot. mr. kang seem to like haruto as well. haruto found out that sooji's dad is a prosecutor. which explains why he seems intimidating and formal, but it shows that he's a cool dad.

“thank you for the food” haruto said as they stood up and clear the table.

mrs. kang smiled, “anything for sooji's guy”

“mom...” sooji complained. her dad let out a chuckle.

“haruto,” sooho called after minutes of being silent “let's talk”


a/n. another chapter will be out anytime today

yg released a thank you video from the eliminated trainees y'all im crying without subs

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