Chapter 33 - Awkward Situation

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After breakfast and cleanup, Will and Terra resumed the training, further honing skills learned in the previous days. At first bouts of playfulness interrupted the exercises, but as they reminded each other of the reality beyond their present existence, the mood became more serious and the effort more intense. The unusual warmth of the day eventually took its toll, and they collapsed on the porch, winded and drenched in sweat.

After resting for a moment, Will suggested, "How about a picnic lunch near the pond? And maybe catch some fish for dinner?"

They spread a blanket near the water's edge under a sprawling willow. Will showed Terra the basics of fishing, and as luck would have it, they soon filled the stringer. After eating a simple lunch of bread, cheese, and dried fruit, they laid side-by-side and hand-in-hand, gazing at the formation of clouds as they marched by.

Terra rolled to her side and broke the silence. "This place. You. These days have been so wonderful. I wish we could just stay here together, forever."

Will sighed, eyes upward. "Yes. But the real world would eventually find us, even here."

She rolled into his arms and whispered in his ear. "I love you."

He hugged her tighter. "And I love you."

After a few minutes snuggling, Will rolled her off of him. "Eww, hot and sweaty. I think we need to get in the water."

Terra put an exaggerated shocked look on her face. "But how do we do that without getting our clothes wet?"

Will played along with a sly grin. "I know a way."

She smiled as he undressed her and then himself, flinging clothing on the pebble bank. Unencumbered by clothing, they took a few steps to the water's edge. Terra hesitated, then gasped as Will lifted and slung her over his shoulder. He splashed in until the clear, cool water rose to his thighs.

He grinned mischievously. "Sometimes the best way to enter cool water is to just get thrown in."

Terra's eyes widened as her heart raced. She shifted, clutching on to him with legs around his torso and arms around his neck. "No, Will! You don't understand. I can't swim."

Will paused. "Amazing. Terra Lorr has a limitation. I mean, besides sunrises." He took two steps forward with a nod. "Okay. It is not deep here. Release your grip on me before I pass out and I will let you down easy."

Will slumped down into the clear water while holding Terra in his arms. She shuddered and squealed on contact with the coolness, eventually relaxing as the initial shock wore off, but she still gripped his arms. The water came up to Will's upper chest as he sat down on the rocky bottom. Sliding around the woman in his arms, he set her down on his lap, and allowed her to lean back against his chest while wrapping protective arms around her.

Terra cooed, "This is nice."

She turned her head back, seeking his lips, while his hands explored her body beneath the water.

A loud whistle from the cabin shattered the moment and made them both jerk. Terra slid down off Will's lap and flailed in the water to keep her head from going under. Will reached for her among the splashes but lost his balance, slipping and completely submerging himself.

As the spectacle unfolded, a woman on the porch doubled over in laughter, nearly stumbling off the porch edge. Even the man with her could not suppress a chuckle. Their vehicle sat parked near the cabin.

Will tilted his face down and put a hand to his forehead as he recognized the visitors. "Oh no. It's Ginny. And Pastor Joseph came with her."

Will and Terra covered themselves as best they could as they came out of the water, putting on a wild, staggering dance as they struggled to slide clothing over wet skin. Laughter overtook Ginny again. Rouge painted Terra's coppery cheeks as she and Will approached the porch.

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