Chapter 14 - Picnic

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Terra staggered into the emergency room, her eyelids heavy with fatigue. Liz met her in the lobby. "Go get some rest, Terra. I think we have seen all the casualties for now and I am shutting down the triage. Thank you so much. Many people are alive because of you."

With a weary smile, Terra said, "I am happy that I could help. Umm, do you know where Will Sall is?"

"I just saw him in the visitor area."

Terra shed bloodied scrubs in the change room and retrieved her clothes from the locker. She sat for a few moments, fighting the urge to just lay back on the bench and let the fatigue claim her.

As she walked back down the hallway, a woman with a bandaged head tapped her arm. "Excuse me. You are the one who helped my son so he could breathe?"

"Yes, I remember," Terra replied. "How is he doing now?"

"He is sleeping, finally. They say he will be okay." The woman rushed in, wrapping Terra in a tight embrace, water welling in her eyes. "Because of you, I still have my son. You are our angel."

The woman held the hug for a moment and then disappeared into a nearby room. As the sun cleared the horizon, sending golden beams through a window onto the opposite wall, a similar blissful warmth spread through Terra, lifting a weary spirit.

This was the second time someone called me an angel. The warmth faded as guilt filtered into her exhausted mind. But I am not. Just the opposite, I am more demon.

She stood in the empty hallway, arms wrapped around herself as a shudder overtook her. Will rounded the corner, eyes widening as the distance closed between them. He put a hand on her shoulder and spoke in gentle tones. "Hey, rough night. How are you holding up?"

Terra closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than to collapse into his arms, letting his closeness chase away the dark swirling thoughts. Instead, she leaned her head against his arm. "I am exhausted."

Will stepped back and turned his eyes down. "Terra, I need to apologize to you. I'm sorry I took my frustration out on you after dinner. You did not deserve that."

"It's okay. We promised to be honest with each other. I have some thinking to do."

Will lifted his head. The warm smile that brightened his face. "You have a good heart, Terra Lorr. Do you feel like getting something to eat?"

Terra shook her head. "What I would like to feel right now is my head on my pillow."

They strolled together to the apartments. Will's presence and the early sunlight on her face melted away the previous night's horrors. Terra went straight to her bedroom, slipped off her boots, and laid down on the bed. She had time for one last thought before sleep overtook her.

He is a good man.

Terra woke up just after noon. While still weary, she got up so as not to disrupt her normal sleep schedule too much. Besides, the shower called out to her, and indeed it felt refreshing. Will's stirring next door reached her ears through walls that did little to block sound. She banged on the wall that separated the apartments and said in a loud voice, "Hey, now I am hungry. Lunch?"

His voice replied, "Five minutes."

Will and Terra made it to the dining hall only minutes before it would close after the noon meal and had the place mostly to themselves.

Terra sighed during the meal. "Oh, I missed my time with Benjamin this morning."

"Understandable, I would think." Will put his fork down. "I have an idea. I need to go out and check on some water supply piping this afternoon. Why don't you and Benjamin come with me? I don't think Moya would mind. We can even take a picnic with us."

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