Chapter 12 - Dinner and Interrogation

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On such a sunny and pleasant afternoon, Will and Terra took an indirect route to their apartments, wandering through the parks and small neighborhoods of Freehold. The houses and tenements were constructed of an eclectic mix of materials — brick, cut stone, logs, manufactured siding, or sheet metal. Most included small garden plots and beds of brightly colored flowers. While generally well cared for, many were patched using available materials, and several stood in near ruin.

Despite the varying degrees of poverty, the people along the way greeted them with genuine warmth, most knowing Will. A palatable sense of community thrived here among the people, making Freehold an easy town to call home.

On arriving at their apartments, they agreed to meet later for dinner. Terra opened her door and let her eyes scan across the interior. The floor plan was identical to Will's apartment next door, although a mirror image and similarly furnished. She pulled the curtains back to let in more light and slid two windows open to let in the breeze. A knock on the half-opened door alerted her to Will, who stood holding her bag and toiletry kit she had left in his room. He asked, "Everything good?"

"This should work fine," Terra replied.

With a nod and a smile, Will went to his apartment. Terra remained standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe for a moment in thought.

Will and the whole town are so welcoming to me. This is so unlike any mission before. Oh, the mission! I need to check-in.

Plopping down on the couch and pulling out her viewer, Terra touched the screen it a few and waited a moment for the encryption to activate.


"Terra. How are things going there?"

"Strange, but good," she replied. "I rode up with Will to Freehold. On the way, I delivered a baby and I am going to help a little orphan boy I met at the school."

"Who is this, and what have you done with Agent Lorr?"

Terra groaned. "Funny, Hex. Oh, please don't tell Walt about that."

"Okay. Learn anything more about this Will Sall?"

"More strangeness. I sat next to him in his truck and we went right through a Dynasty checkpoint with a high-level Enforcer and a Finder sitting not more than two meters away. They always scrutinize anyone with a significant aura presence, but it was as if they did not even see mine. Will can suppress his aura and any near him. Otherwise, he has been the perfect gentleman, although evasive sometimes. Oh, I learned he is no fan of the Dynasty."

"Hmm," Hex said. "I've never heard of that ability. There is not much about him in any database. He was tested three times for Talent in his youth, and each time he rated T9, the lowest ability on the scale. There were some more details on one test. If you recall, they have you telekinetically push against a load cell and record the force you exert. Since the Awakening, everyone can apply a force, although for most it is small. But the tester recorded zero force for Will, even noting that he could not detect an aura, just like you said. That should not be possible. As if the Awakening never took hold of him."

Hex continued after a pause. "Oh, Terra, you will be pleased to know you caused quite a stir here with your previous report about a possible security issue. So far, there is no evidence of a leak. Walt wanted me to ask you why you always tickle the dragon?"

Terra shrugged. "It's a gift."

"Ah, classic Agent Lorr! Anything else?"

"That is all I have now."

"Okay. Be safe and try to be a good girl."

"Thanks, Hex."

And so the mystery deepens. What is his secret?

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