Chapter 3 - In Memoriam

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After a restless night, Terra woke just before dawn, unusually early for someone that likes to sleep in. This was to be an emotional day. Two years ago to the day, Necros, the Sage Dynasty's Chief Enforcer, killed Anna, Terra's best friend and a fellow agent.

The blanket slid into a crumpled heap on the floor as she threw it back. Making her way down the dark narrow hallway to a sparse kitchen, she sighed at the empty state of her pantry and chiller.

The sea breeze tossed her hair about as she trudged down a sandy path, dodging clumps of brush and tall grass in the twilight, toward a small open-air cafe near the beach. She took a seat on one of the worn wooden stools before a long wood bar, taking a moment to admire the sunrise as it painted the eastern sky in reds and oranges.

A wiry, gray-haired man with a stained white apron turned toward her. A broad smile rose on his wrinkled, tan face. "Terra! Good to see you this fine day. Although this is early for you."

That was true. She rarely witnessed sunrises. "Couldn't sleep," Terra said with a shrug.

"Did you have a fun trip?"

"Just work, Carlos. Boring, as always. But my cupboards are bare. What do you have?"

Carlos always brightened her mood and filled her belly. After finishing a hearty breakfast, Terra strolled along the beach, watching the waves break against the rocks, tossing white water upwards and salting the cool wind. As she walked along, her mind turned back to her best friend.

Terra recalled the outgoing flirt that drew her out of her shell, the cringe-worthy puns, and that goofy smile. Anna was the only one who could really make her laugh. She remembered how difficult it was to suppress giggles when Anna made funny faces behind Walt's back, how Anna taught her line dances even while they were on important missions, and the legendary pranks they pulled on fellow agents who thought far too much of themselves.

It was Anna who recruited Terra into the Blue Uprising, and they soon teamed up on missions. Anna was technically a more powerful Talent than Terra and able to put on an impressive display of force, but what Terra lacked in raw power, she made up in precision and stealth. A typical plan of attack would be for Anna to provide a distraction and cover for escape while Terra carried out the core mission purpose, whether it be assassination, theft, or rescue. Together, they made a formidable team.

Salty water traced Terra's cheeks as these and other memories produced alternating waves of happiness and grief within her.

A year and a half prior to Anna's death, they learned her unique aura signature had been tagged by a Dynasty Finder, which was essentially a death sentence.

The parting of best friends was tearful and heart-wrenching, but Anna insisted on it lest Terra also was caught up by the Enforcers that would eventually descend on her. Besides, Anna said, she found a wonderful way to spend her last days. Terra often wondered what that was.

Later that night, in what had become a simple tradition of remembrance, Terra lit a candle in memory of her best friend and gazed at the flickering light.

"To you, my friend," Terra said, lifting a shot glass, then downing it in a single gulp.

The strong whiskey burned her throat and warmed her cheeks, but did nothing to ease an aching heart. What few friends she had were kept at arm's length lest they get too close. Such was the life of a Blue Uprising Agent. Terra mourned not only for Anna but also for herself.

What am I? No more than an assassin serving a cause that would gladly sacrifice me? Few would mourn my passing.


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