Chapter 3

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The night passed on without any nightmares of the stranger and I was discharged from the clinic in the early hours of the morning. I was given a few painkillers just in case I would experience any pain like I had yesterday. I frowned. It was all the clinic could give out to their patients nowadays and a lot of us pupils complain about it all the time. I probably wasn't going to take it anyway. I would have to keep it in the suitcase just in case I needed it later on.

I had already taken a bath and had breakfast at the clinic, so all that was left of me was to get ready for class. I went to the dormitories and the place was empty. Everyone had gone for breakfast and only a few prefects lurked around the corridors ready to catch any offenders who were late for breakfast. I know. Sounds silly, doesn't it? But that's why the school was so strict. Hopefully, I wasn't just exaggerating and this also happens at other boarding schools.

I was free to enter the dormitory premises since I had a clinic pass with me and the prefects let me in. I went to my dorm and I was greeted by empty bunk beds. I went to my bunk bed and put away the painkillers in my suitcase that lay on top of my black trunk beside the bunk bed. Today was Wednesday so that meant I had to wear my sky blue coloured uniform. We all have specific days in which we wear our uniforms. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we would wear our sky blue uniforms. Then Tuesday and Thursday, we would wear beige uniforms. If it came to prefects, they were all given uniforms different from others. And each year, their uniforms always had a different colour and a different pattern.

After dressing up, I got my school bag and packed my books for the day in it. I put on my black school shoes after putting on white stockings and dashed out of the dorm, hoping that I wouldn't run into any of the pupils coming out from the dining hall. I wanted to get to the empty classrooms before any one of my classmates.

Just as you pass by the orchard, outside the wall fence that surrounded the dormitory and the ablutions, up ahead were the classroom blocks. Behind the classes was the playing field which was quite free to roam openly since a lot of by passers that include the local people of the area, would pass by whenever they felt like it. Even cattle owned by a few locals would come over and graze around the ground.

To the left side of the classroom block were the senior classes and the teachers' staff room. They had just built up that block earlier on this year and ever since then, it was pretty hard for us to make noise and have a bit of freedom whenever the teachers weren't around or they were having a meeting. At first, the teachers' staff room used to be near the dormitory area. On one hand, it was good that they moved the staff room elsewhere away from the dormitories for more privacy. But then again, it became such a huge bummer, now that the teachers were much closer to us. That meant no noise making when we felt like it. As though dealing with irritating prefects wasn't more than enough.

I got to the empty classroom and there were moments like these that I enjoyed being alone. The white and blue floor tiles shone brightly as the sun rays shone through the windows giving the entire room a wonderful bright glow. It almost made the room look heavenly. We always tried to keep our classes clean because of the white and blue tiles that easily got stained. There was a class rota and everyone was given a day to clean the classroom, even on the weekends when we have inspection.

There were three columns of desks arranged in the room, the middle row having the most number of desks. At the back wall of the class were a board where the timetable was stuck and the duty rota for cleaning the classroom. Other things were stuck there too. Like the class list which was written on a colourful sheet of laminated paper and everyone's name was etched on it with a stylish girly font and colourful ink by our very own stylish graffiti artist, Matilda. She was really gifted and absolutely talented.

I went to the second column and sat on my desk, the third one. Each desk was only meant for two people and each desk had its own bookrack just underneath the desk. I had left a few of my books in the rack the other day. I was putting some of the books I left in the rack into the bag when a piece of paper fell out of the book I was holding in my hand. At first I thought it was just some ordinary piece of paper, but when I looked at it, I felt something strange.

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