Chapter 30

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After my incident with Katarou, things were back to normal with the High Order making sure to put countermeasures around the school. As usual, I had to continue with practice and balance it with schoolwork. Now that the end-of-term exams were coming up, I had to concentrate a lot on my schoolwork, which was going to be a problem. I was to start my lessons in using the fire element with Mei soon, and with the exams coming up, I couldn’t spend so much time on the Butterfly Island, even when it did feel like I had been gone for at least thirty minutes.

With only two days left before the exams, I was walking my way to the garage after quickly running away from the sports field where everyone else was on Friday afternoon. With super speed, I dashed away from the field when no one was looking. It was our last day of sports activities. We were having a netball tournament between dorms. Since I wasn’t participating, staying there was pointless. Besides, I had to go for practice on the island, so it’s the perfect time to leave.

The school was quiet except for the distant screaming and shouting from the ground behind me. After bypassing the library, I stopped in my tracks. Something didn’t feel right. Someone was following me.

I turned around, but there was no one there. However, I turned to the corner of the library building that I had just passed. There was someone standing behind the building. I could tell from their aura. With a lot of training, I had improved at tracking the aura around me. Was it a fellow student? Their aura pointed out that whoever it is is human, but I couldn’t help but feel there was something strange about it.

Before I could start to slowly approach, someone quickly stepped out into the open from their hiding spot. I didn’t get the time to gasp in surprise, as I didn’t think whoever it was would be the person standing in front of me. In her white school sports uniform stood Bertha.

“H-Hi, Diana,” Bertha stuttered to greet me. She shyly waved her hand. As much as she was well known in school for her wild episodes, she’s naturally shy. Moreover, she was much shorter than I was.

“Hi Bertha,” I said back. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I-” she said, dropping her eyes to the ground and playing with the dirt with her pink sneakers. “There’s something I’ve wanted to talk to you about.”

Strange. Why would she want to talk to me? It has been over a month since her incident at the clinic, where I had to battle with what I concluded to be the other side of her. Following her discharge from the clinic, she had plenty of time to talk to me if she wanted to talk about what happened, but she never did. Usually, we would bypass or greet each other whenever we met. What would she want to talk to me about now? What was bothering me was how she managed to follow me from the ground when I ran away from there like a bat out of hell.

The way I responded made her a little nervous, as she moved her feet a lot quicker this time. I should have been more polite.

“Sorry about that.” I apologized. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, this is going to sound embarrassing and weird,” she said as she now looked at me. “But for a very long time, like everyone else in school knows, I go into these weird episodes that I don’t even remember what happens when I have them. But when I was about to go into those episodes that time during assembly, I came to you asking for your help and not to take me back to the clinic.”

I raise my eyebrows. How could she remember that?

“Yes, you did. Do you usually remember things when you go into an episode?” I asked.

“Not always,” Bertha said with a smile. “What’s worse is that I remember attacking you at the clinic. I have to admit, it’s so unlike me. I felt like I wasn’t myself back then.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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