Chapter 29

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A tall green hedge quickly appeared before me, blocking Katarou. I had to think of something quick, and I noticed the hedges that stood on either side of the dirt path. I extended their leaves and tiny branches to make a tall and thick hedge. Katarou bumped right into it on the other end. I should have added thorns as payback.

I quickly ran up the corridor, heading to the east side. The hedge isn't going to keep Katarou for long, and I had to think of something quickly.

At the end of the hall, I made a turn to the left and found part of the silk ropes of the spider web at the center of the dorm area that stuck onto the roof, poles, and walls for support. A loud noise behind me was a warning that he was fast approaching.

I jumped off the corridor and hid behind the hedges on the lawn. Katarou was much quicker than I had anticipated, as he came around the corner where I had been seconds ago. If he had caught me, I don't know what he would’ve done. I can't run away from him forever. As much as playing defense looked favorable, I still had to find a way to knock him out.

As I continued to hide, I saw him turn his head, looking around. He started to chuckle.

"Playing defense, aren't you, Diana?" he asked as he took a few steps on the corridor. "That's no fun. How are you going to free your friends if you can't fight me?"

The sudden ache in my head almost knocked me out with dizziness. Moreover, from where I hid, I felt like my knees would give in. I felt like falling, which I didn’t. This isn't good; I have to think of something fast.

The pain slowly subsided, and I focused on Katarou as he looked around the corridor. Then he drew out his left hand, and quickly I moved away from the hedge, standing out in the open. He had cast something on the hedges I was using for cover, and looking at them now, I noticed the green leaves and branches start to wither, and they died in an instant. Who is this guy?

"You can't do whatever you like, like you own the place," I said to him.

"And how do you expect me to fight then?" he asked with a crooked smile on his face.

I looked at his left hand, which he used to cast the spell, and noticed the black swirling cloud of aura around it. There's something about his aura that doesn't seem right at all. It's strong, yet there's some malice in it. Why didn't I detect it sooner when we met? Moreover, how can he focus a massive amount of aura around one part of his body? There must be a trick to it.

"I don't know; spare the plants at least," I answered him.

"Whatever gets in my way, I will destroy. That's just my specialty."

He didn't have to mention it to make me understand. What he did just now is living proof.

Katarou soon came at me, jumping over the hedge with his leg extended out like he was about to kick me. I moved out of the way just in time. As soon as he landed on the ground, he threw another spell at me. The swirling black aura came at me like a small fireball. This reminded me of the fight I had with Pug when he threw fireballs at me.

He threw another dark spell, and then another. I dodged each one, even when I was sloppy. However, I noticed that each spell he threw at me came faster than the last.

Knowing that I couldn’t keep up with his speed, I summoned a green vine from the ground to try and defend myself from the spells. Just as the vine came into contact with it, the vine quickly rotted from the point of contact and fell apart. Damn! I should have learned from what he did to the hedge earlier that natural things like vines aren't immune to his spells.

Katarou smiled at me after reading my face, leaving me wide open for a second. I was a little quicker when he threw another spell at me. I dove and went for cover by the tree on the lawn that had the metal rod hanging from it. That was close. I breathed so hard, relieved to get away from him for a while.

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