Chapter Fourteen

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"Andrew?" Joe smiled as Dianne's older brother wheeled his case over towards him. "Nice to finally meet you in person."

Andrew took Joe's extended hand and shook it. "And you, mate. Thanks for coming to get me- I really didn't expect you to go to the trouble."

Joe shook his head. "Honestly, it's not a problem. Plus, I've only got the car for a couple more days so I'll take any excuse to drive it." Andrew whistled when he realised what Joe meant; the car was beautiful.

Joe loaded Andrew's bag into the back before getting into the driver's seat. "How was Portugal?" he asked as he made his way back onto the main road. Andrew had travelled over with his girlfriend to visit her family who lived out there. He had left her in Portugal to come to London- he was going to catch up with friends over the next day or so before taking Emelia back to Australia with him.

"Good, thanks. It was cold, though. I still haven't got used to the whole summer/winter thing."

Joe smiled. "Neither has your sister. And she's been here two years."

Andrew laughed. "Bless her. She's lucky to have someone like you around, though. I'm so glad you both found each other."

"Ah, cheers. That means a lot."


"Are you finished with the purple?"

Dianne and Emelia were having a lazy day at Joe's apartment, waiting for him to come back with Andrew from the airport. Emelia had wanted to make him a card as a surprise, and Dianne had joined in.

"That looks really good, peanut. I like the flowers."

Emelia smiled, still concentrating on what she was doing. She finished with the pen and put the lid back on it.

"Mama, why do you call me peanut?" She asked.

Dianne smiled. "That's what I called you when you were in my belly. Because when I first saw you, before you were born, you looked like a tiny little peanut. I guess it kind of stuck."

Emelia smiled. "Is that why Grandma and Grandpa call you Dot? Because you looked like a really tiny dot when they first saw you?"

Dianne shook her head. "I don't think it's exactly the same. I think Dot is just short for Dianne, really. But I was little, like you are. So I guess it was fitting. I was a little dot."

"So, if grandma and grandpa still call you Dot, does that mean you're going to call me peanut forever?"

Dianne grinned. "Yes." She moved in closer to tickle Emelia's sides. "Because you're my little peanut. And even when you're a teenager, you'll still be my little baby peanut." The little girl giggled. "I might even change your middle name. Emelia Peanut Buswell."

"What's Joe's last name" Emelia asked once they stopped laughing.

"Joe's name is Joseph Graham Sugg."

"So, if you and Joe get married, will I not be Emelia Buswell anymore?"

Dianne tried her hardest not to look shocked. She took a moment to work out what to say. "I... I don't know. I mean, it think it depends on..."

At that moment the front door opened. "We're here!"

Dianne let out a breath of relief. Walking over to the doorway, she pulled Joe into a tight hug.

"Everything... okay?" He asked, slightly concerned by Dianne's hug. She looked up at him.

"I'm so glad you're back. I..." she looked around at her daughter, who was bouncing excitedly around her uncle. "I'll tell you later."

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