Ragnarok Prophecy

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The soldiers were running like ants through the castle hallways, unaware of the intruder in black clothes and wearing a ninja mask. With his high trained stealth, the skinny blue man hid in the shadows, behind the long curtains or even climbed on the ceiling. Almost effortless, he managed to get to the treasure chambers entrance.

At the end of a long corridor with few torches, his final challenge was an arched big double door. He took his lock pick tools and silently started the work in the keyhole. To focus was a bit challenging, considering the noisy explosions and screams coming from the city.

"Azura," said a female voice telepathically, "report your progress."

Confident that he was alone, the ninja decided to talk openly:

"Just as foreseen, Shadow Master, all the castle's forces were redirected to deal with an external menace. I'm about to unlock the treasure chambers. But what exactly is happening out there? I heard the soldiers talking about a dragon..."

"It matters not, my son. Concentrate on your work and you'll soon succeed in your first mission."

"Yes, but... you will send help, right? I mean, the Shadow Warriors strength may be needed."

"It's up to me to decide what is better or not to our clan, Azura. Aldraghor has a very powerful army that has never been defeated. Do not worry about the realm's fate and focus on your mission."

The ninja sighed, disappointed.

"As you wish, Shadow Master."

"And remember: do not carry anything else but the Ancient Scroll. Our contact warned us about many traps among the gold and gems there inside."

"Mom... I mean, Shadow Master... With all respect, now I'm so close to the target, may I know what's inside this scroll? Why would our hirer overlook tons of gold for a piece of paper? Is it magical or something?"

The female tone in his head got slightly severe.

"A good shinobi does not question his hirer's motivations, Azuma. Have I not taught you that when you were one hundred?"

"Yes, Shadow Master. My apologies."

"You are new, so I accept your apologies. Be aware that henceforth this will not be tolerated. Report to me once you get the scroll, Azuma. The Shadow Warriors are counting on you."

"Of course, mom. I mean, Shadow Master."

Few minutes after Azuma finished the contact, his tools clicked inside the keyhole. It was done. He opened the heavy double doors and gazed to a solid darkness. Suddenly, dozens of torches lit up by themselves, revealing a very extended room brimming with gold hills, giant silver statues and coloured jewels. The young ninja has never seen that amount of money in all his four centuries.

He was about to step into the chamber when his training came to light inside his head. "Never cross an important door without checking for traps first," his mother used to tell him. On his knees, the shinobi investigated the floor, centimetre by centimetre. Nothing.

Yet he knew it was all too easy, so he quickly moved his hands, forming different symbols with the fingers connections. With every gesture, he activated certain chakras inside his hand that allowed him to channel the correct energy frequency to perform the shinobi technique he trained so many times.

"Reveal Magic Traps!" he said while keeping the final form of his combined hands. Experienced ninjas didn't have to say the jutsus names, but as Azuma was a beginner, he couldn't help it. Few seconds after that, a shining line appeared floating thirty centimetres above the floor. Not only, but certain squares on the floor were also glowing. Now knowing where not to step, the young shinobi entered the chamber.

He navigated through a golden labyrinth of countless coins, silver weapons and shiny accessories. Just as their contact predicted, the Ancient Scroll was laying in the mouth of a dragon statue made of gold, its height reaching Azura's chest. The paper was inside a black cylindrical box with many writings around it. Well, the ninja knew he shouldn't read the scroll content, but no one said a thing about its "envelope".

Azura took the box and his eyes landed on the red letters. It was old elvish, a dead language. Fortunately, the apprentice has had lessons in at least three dead languages in his centuries of training. Focused and deeply curious, he read:

The Ragnarok's Dragon

The end of times approaches and the seers have spoken the will of the gods. When the invincible beast alights on the world, damnation shall fall upon all of us. Only the cursed can break the curse. And he must choose between one or all, for our fate remains in his love or in his justice. Here lies the Death Lair path, the destiny of the brave, and the doom of the weak.

"It's a map!" concluded Azura. "The Ancient Scroll is a map to the dragon's lair. And what if the monster attacking the city... is the same of the prophecy? I have to check it... because if it's the same dragon, I can't steal this. Not only Aldraghor, but the whole world will depend on this piece of paper."

"Azura," said his mother's voice inside his head. "Report your progress."

"I..." the young ninja felt the weight of what he was going to do for one moment, then he decided to see it through. "I was careless, Shadow Master. I couldn't avoid one of the traps inside the chamber. I'm stuck."

"Are you injured, son? I can send help."

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry, I can handle this. It'll take some time, though. Forgive me."

"Have you got the target?"

"Not yet. This place is huge, there are many golden statues here. I still need to find it."

"I see. So hurry up, Azura. The army is having a harsh battle and we don't know how long the distraction will last. Report to me once you achieve the target."

"Yes, Shadow Master," he said, feeling very guilty for the lie. But it was needed. The fate of many may be depending on that. Thus the shinobi kept the scroll and went out of the chamber. He closed the door and used a jutsu to make his boots super adherent, which allowed him to climb up the stone wall until he reached the window. From there, he saw the giant purple dragon inflaming the heart of Aldraghor.

"Let's see how powerful you are," said Azura before jumping to an insane fall, landing on a big hay wagon.


Greetings, dudes! I have always wanted to play a cool ninja in a tabletop RPG. Well, until that day arrives, I have Azura. Have you liked him? Tell me your thoughts! See you, pals!

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