A Bold Woman

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By the afternoon in the tavern called The Crazy Unicorn, the bards were bringing some joy to the citizens of Aldraghor. A gnome with a big white feather on his beret was singing about the heroic deeds of some warrior from the stories of old. A centaur was, against all odds, fingering a delicate harp as a satyr with an eye slap was blowing his flute energetically.

 The smell of a roasted boar invaded the noses of the dwarves, that were betting who drinks more — the loser would pay all the mead! Arobust orc was proving his strength against two humans, using both arms.Laughing all confident, the big guy smiled as the two gladiators couldn't bringhis muscled green arms down. 

A human figure in full silver armour, wearing a horned helmet, opened the door. Carrying a sword by the waist and a shield on the back, the shiny knight crossed the place and went to the tavern keeper. The gargoyle behind the balcony was so round that anyone could imagine him flying again. When he spotted the human approaching, he grinned with his sharp teeth and said: "Greetings, dear Draya! It's always a pleasure to have you around! New helmet, huh? It's quite pretty, so much as these ember eyes of yours."

"Oh, Goombor, your fat stony bat, I won't lay down with you no matter how many times you try to flatter me," answered the human while taking off the open face helmet, revealing a beautiful woman with long, brown and curly hair. She had a chocolate-like skin and big lips. "Nevertheless, I shall not stop you from trying, huh? Keep saying how great I am and bring me some devil drink, would you?"

The gargoyle laughed as he poured down a green glowing liquid in a horn, bubbling as if it just came out from hell. "For a paladin, humbleness isn't quite your thing, darling," said the old winged keeper, shooting a clever wink to his long-term client.

"Oh, shut up!" the woman replied, having a sit by the balcony. "I follow Alzagesh, the god of Light and Fire. Do you know what he asks from his believers? Burn things. Burn this, burn that, burn people, that cute kind of thing. Sure, I can't just inflame whatever I want, although sometimes the idea doesn't sound that bad if you know what I mean."

"I can wonder, my dear!"

"So how is Garakk doing? Is he behaving this time or should I show him Mercy again?"

Goombor tilted his head, pointing to the orc winning his sixth arm wrestling, now against a werewolf and a young cyclops. "He's fine today," said the gargoyle, then cleaning some dishes with a suspicious cloth.

"So let's test his will to see how deep he's committed with the law," said the lady, chugging her horn and getting up with a naughty face.

"Oh, for Bevellon's sake, Draya, what are you going to do? You won't make a fuss here, will you?"

"Me? I'm a paladin" she said, winking much more like a little devil. The woman then walked to the big and muscled orc table. He was all laughter and optimism until he spotted her calmly holding her horned helmet under the left arm.

"Hey, Garakk," she greeted with the most innocent face she could wear. It was clear that the orc suppressed some anger inside and then did the best he could to avoid her eyes.

"Garakk did nothing wrong. Leave me, human!" he said with his thick voice before ending his beverage from his quite big horn.

"Oh, is it how you treat your old friends?" she said as she sat down there. There were some competitors waiting to face the orc, all standing around the table, chatting and cheering out loud. But they all got silent when the paladin sat there. They remembered how the tavern got destroyed three weeks ago when they both fought and the mighty orc lost a fang.

"I'm glad you're having fun without breaking anyone's skull," the woman continued. "Good boy! But I haven't come to congratulate you. I saw there's some competition here. You haven't been defeated yet, have you?"

"No one can beat the powerful Garakk!" he roared, and his crowd followed him with cheers and applauses. Of course there was a lot of money invested in his victory, with many wagers being done in the tavern.

The knight in silver armour just smirked and declared: "That's not how I remember. But anyway, I challenge you, Garakk." The bards stopped playing and the tavern people went crazy, full of "wooooow!" and "no waaaay!" Those who were watching from far came closer to guarantee they wouldn't lose the show.

The tavern keeper rolled his eyes and cursed: "Of course she had to do that! Oh, damn you, Draya!"


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