Hideous Sacrifice

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Convinced in his logic (or so he was trying to be), three days later, Kendrick walked with his little sister up the stairs to the tower's top. The full moon was shining in the black sky while the forest was orchestrating hoots with cricket chirps in the background. The little elf was all joy, her silver hair swinging on her shoulders, the purple dress wobbling on her restless knees. As usual, she couldn't help to talk for a single moment.

"Do you know what Roothsyl said to me? He ate Bubble the monkey yesterday! That idiot bear, how could he do that to him!? Bubble was such a sweet guy! He used to bring me fruits from the high trees. Yes, he used to be a little annoying sometimes, even I wished to kill him once or twice, but of course I'd never do that! Now Roothsyl, that cranky old bear, wasn't that fond of Bubble when he stole his honey, you know. He said he pretended he didn't care and waited for Bubble to approximate as if it was all cool, but it wasn't! I'm so mad at him!"

"Yes, sure, sweety."

In every step the warlock walked, the doubt seemed to drag him back, as if it was an invisible air resistance. What if he was wrong? He couldn't be... but what if? He couldn't lose the last person in the world he loved...

"Are you ok, bro? Your forehead seems sweaty. Why don't we go to the river? I saw some mermaids there in the last full moon! We were having fun chatting, but then they got scared when I said I live in the tower near the town. I mean, you know, even the birds don't like this place. And everyone is always so scared to tell me the damn reason. I mean, do you think that the tower was built upon some cursed cemetery or something? Oh, that'd be quite cool!"

"Who knows, right?"

The older elf was avoiding to look to her innocent face. She didn't deserve that. Kendrick has always kept her away of his macabre business to preserve her pure heart. Khaylla saw him as a very nice person, the wisest big brother... Kendrick was her hero. And now what? He would just murder her for the sake of power? No! Well... it was just temporary, right? A brief moment of pain in exchange for a life of peace... But peace for whom?

"What are we going to do there above? Don't tell me it's stargazing again, I have already memorized all the constellations, Ken! And by the way, is there where you hid my gift?"

"Your what?" the older elf asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My gift! For my birthday! Oh, stop pretending you forgot, Ken, it's not funny when you repeat a joke; you know it's today! I still remember the last prank with my doll last year, but now I'm much more aware. What is it this time? Are we gonna have some cake by the moonlight? Oh, that'd be amazing!"

Kendrick swallowed hard. He was trying to mask his fear and frustration, but now that all got worse. Was the warlock really going to assassinate his own sister on the very day of her birthday? What if she couldn't come back? What if he was wrong and the demon lord never... no. He couldn't be wrong. Malek Zhogun wouldn't do that to him. Not after all of that rites and sacrifices, quests and infinite prayers...

The elf had to trust him and have real faith. Malek will be pleased for the loyalty he'll demonstrate and then she will be brought back. Of course he will do so, he has to. And after his revenge is complete, Kendrick will reward his little sister for her bravery. Next year he'll bring her to the fairy world, the place she has always craved to visit. Everything will be okay. Everything. Right?

"So, what are we gonna do, Ken?"

"Be patient, Khaylla. We're almost there..."

Kendrick's heart was a snare drum. "Keep calm, it all will work. It all will be alright, just have faith," he thought, trying to encourage himself. Differently of their mother, Khaylla could be brought back. The little sister would be mad at him for a moment, but after all was completed, she'd have a very long life of happiness at his side. He promised himself he would take care of her to the end of his days, with all love that still survived in his poisoned soul.

It all would be fast. She'd be back very soon. If anything went wrong, Kendrick would go to hell himself to rescue her. He'd face the nine demon lords if needed. But why to think of it? No, Malek Zhogun is his master. He has always helped him in everything he needed. This is just a test. More one... Just a test... Right?

When they arrived, the child elf got confused. On the top of the round tower, a circle of lit black candles waited for them. Inside, many arcane symbols were drawn with blood. A dagger of black metal was lying down, eager for flesh and bones. A shiver trembled the child's body as she quickly asked:

"What's this, Ken? This isn't funny."

Her older brother breathed deeply. It was time. Be focused. No feelings now. Just think of the target. The hatred. The pain. It all will stop. It has to. It is just a necessary step of the process. It all will end up well.

"I'm sorry, Khaylla. I promise I will reward you somehow when this is over. By now, you must be brave. And forgive me."

"What are you talking about, bro?! I'm getting scared."

Kendrick pointed his open hand with long fingers to the sister and declared:

"Hold person!"

Khaylla immediately felt all her muscles tightening as if they had turned into stone. A powerful despair overwhelmed her as she noticed she couldn't even control her eyelids. The only thing moving was her lungs and her heart, which by now was galloping madly. She tried to scream, but her voice did not respond.

Then she realized she was about to fall, once her last position wasn't meant to be stable for so long. Tears of excruciating anguish dropped from her eyes as she was falling, in body and heart. Before she reached the floor, Kendrick took her gently in his arms. The warlock put her in the middle of the circle and said, tears raining by his cheeks:

"I wished I could cast Sleep on you, but you know it doesn't work on elves. I am sorry it has to be this way, Khaylla. But at least I will make it the fastest possible."

In few minutes, the apprentice spoke the words of power to summon Malek Zhogun. A fire ring appeared floating next to the circle, the shadowy demon staring with his red evil eyes, pleased by the scene.

"I knew I chose wisely when I accepted to teach you, Kendrick Eldrazar. I am now ready to take what is mine. Give me her heart and then my power shall be yours."

The little elf wished she could scream in agony. She couldn't see from where the voice was coming, but his tone was ungodly, almost as if every word reached her biggest fears and made them alive. And what was he saying? His brother would never ever hurt her! That had to be a prank! He really crossed the line this time... But the way Kendrick was looking to her... She could feel his inner struggle. Could it be that... no, he'd never hurt her, his brother loved her more than anything!

The elf in black robe kneeled at his sister side and lift the dagger, pointing the edge to her chest. His violet eyes were closed, all his body was shaking and the night seemed to fell silent, waiting for the sacrifice.

"Never doubt that I love you, Khaylla," said the warlock, his warm tears cascading upon the child's face.

And then, full of pain, the dagger descended as he shouted:

"I'm sorry!"


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