What Rachel Thinks of You

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Rachel likes you, but rarely shows it as she is very overcome by jealousy. She actually admired you and your hard work and thinks your the most talented one in the glee club. After high school, you two get over your petty boyfriend troubles and become best friends.

Rachel annoys you, but she's one of your closest friends. She's the type of person that sticks with you no matter what, and so are you. You both have straight up, say it like it is attitudes and that's why you are such good friends.

You have a weird relationship with Rachel. At times you are the closest of friends and at others you're merely acquaintances. Nothing ever happens, and you rarely fight, you're friendship is just a bit odd. However, whenever times are tough you're always there for each other.

You two are best friends. Not very similar personality wise, but you find a way to make it work. Often singing duets together and gushing over your boyfriends, you two are inseparable. And are even after your high school days are over. You don't see each other as much, but when you do, you pick up where you left off. 

You and Rachel are friends who better each other, aren't afraid to critique the other. You helped Rachel with her dancing, and you her singing, and found a beautiful friendship in between. That does make the two of you a bit competitive, but at the end of the day you two love each other and a bit of competition isn't gonna stand in the way of that.

Rachel didn't know you very well, as she left school when you started, but from the brief encounters you shared and the information she heard, she thought you seemed very sweet and the type of girl she wanted to be. When you graduated and became successful, she unknowingly booked for you to be her makeup artist and now you frequently run into each other and always have a chat when you do.

Rachel, having graduated before you came, didn't know you very well but she did know you're image and what Finn thought of you so she didn't like you or your boyfriend much. Her opinion changed though, when she saw how you acted as a mentor to the drama kids at WMHS and gained a new found respect for you.

Rachel didn't like you very much for dating Sebastian who is, to her, the enemy. You didn't like her much either as you thought she was a hypocrite. But, to everyone's surprise, you ended up being really great friends after you helped her and Kurt get the glee club back on its feet. She helped boost your career after you helped her heal her heart  and you, Sebastian and her are now very close.

Question: which member of the glee club (main characters) do you like the least?

Answer: I have no idea. Rachel and Tina annoy me from time to time but I think the whole group are kind hearted people and I'd never dislike any of them.

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